Fairy Tail 2

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Dick and Wally had been at Fairy Tail for a week now. So far, Wally and Natsu had had three eating contests, Dick still had no idea what his magic was, and they still had no idea where they were. Dick had been trying to learn from every wizard there, but nothing seemed to click.

He was losing hope that he had magic at all. He'd been sitting at a table one afternoon, watching as Wally and Natsu debated on who had the more dangerous lifestyle, when Gray sat next to him. "Pink haired yours?" Dick asked. "Unfortunately. I take it redhead is yours?" "Yep."

"Any progress?" "Zip. Zilch. Nada. Goose egg." "That bad?" "Yeah." "That sucks." "You're telling me." "You'll find it. You just gotta find a good teacher." "You had a good one, right?" "Yeah. Her name was Uru." "She still around?" "No. She sacrificed her body to stop a demon. Her other student melted the ice, not knowing that it was killing her." "Oh. I'm sorry." "It's fine. It happened a long time ago." "Is that why you always strip?" "I get too hot wearing clothes sometimes, so I have to cool down."

"How did you know you were an ice wizard?" "Uru offered to teach me. She said the test was whether I could strip in the snow or not. I managed to do it." "I don't think I'm an ice wizard. I'm cold in the snow just wearing a jacket! Stripping out there? No thank you. You do you, and I'll do me." "Glad we can agree on that."

Dick and Gray chuckled. "We sound like kids." "We are kids." "I know, but it doesn't feel like that. Where I'm from, I'm supposed to be a responsible person. I've got hundreds, if not thousands of lives in my hands. It's hard to be a kid and carry that weight." "I know what you mean. Despite the jobs being relatively easy, somehow we always end up in some sort of evil scheme we have to stop. It's hard to keep lighthearted."

"How do you cope?" "Usually I bother Natsu." "I don't think that's for me. I like Wally too much to bother him too often." "So, how long have you been together?" "I don't know if I should tell you. No offense, but isn't this world kinda...homophobic?" "Look around. This place is already filled to the brim with the weirdest wizards out there. We stopped caring about who you loved and cared more about magic and getting closer."

"Oh. That sounds nice." "Not many guilds are like us. Sure, they're close, but they only see each other as business associates. We consider ourselves family, no matter how badly we drive each other crazy." "That's what the League and the Team is like." "So? You never answered my question." "Oh! We've been together for seven months." "Not long." "No. I'm hoping we'll be together a lot longer." "I wish you the best of luck." "What about you? Any interests?" "One. Juvia. She's saved my life many times."

"Nothing hotter than someone saving you from the cold, clammy hands of death." "I'd drink to that if I was old enough." Dick chuckled. "Yeah." "So, what do you think your power is?" "I don't know. I like the idea of a wind wizard, though. Being able to fly through the air with the help of the wind sounds nice."

"I don't know. All the wind wizards I've met have been bad news." "You've only met like, two." "True. Natsu took care of one, and Gramps took care of the other." "Mind me asking why you call him Gramps?" "He's like the grandfather of the guild." "I've got somebody back home who's like a grandfather to me. His name is Alfred." "Good to hear that."

The doors to the guild burst open, revealing three panting wizards. "What's up?" Natsu asked. "Bad news. These guys are moving in on the town, and they're not good." "Chased us all the way from Fiore." "We barely got back." "Let's go. Dick, stay here." Erza commanded.

"What? Why?" "You're the only one without magic. They may try to take advantage of you." "I can still help!" "The best way to help is to stay here and stay out of the way. We can handle this." "I can't just sit on the sidelines." "Help Gramps and Mirajane tend to the wizards who just came back."

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