Dragons return

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It had started with a mission. A mission that Nightwing hadn't been informed of. When said hero did find out about the mission, he was pissed. No one wanted to mess with a pissed off Nightwing, especially now that he could turn into a dragon. The only people who could calm him down were his family and Wally, who was close enough to be considered family.

So when Nightwing had figured out, he had immediately gone after the team. The League couldn't have kept him at the watchtower had they tried. He'd hacked into the files, and was on his way to the team's location. He was going to kill whoever didn't tell him about the mission against Deathstroke.

When Dick found them, they were at one of his hideouts, all of them unconscious. Something flared up inside of Dick, burning at him. Deathstroke had the gall to hurt his family. He wasn't going to get away with it.

The dragon in Dick snarled with anger. Dick could feel it pressing against his skin, practically begging to dig it's claws into Deathstroke. Dick wanted nothing more than to give in, to let it loose. Considering how mad he'd been before, he did.

Deathstroke hadn't been expecting a dragon four times the size of him to land in front of him, fire crackling through his skin. It was growling, edging closer to him. He could see fury in its eyes, a need to kill evident.

It roared, fire building in its gut, when another dragon landed in front of it. The first dragon roared at it, trying to rush around it. The second dragon stopped it, roaring back. It seemed to be fighting with the first dragon.

The League was there, pulling the unconscious team members out. They knew better than to get between the lovers during a spat. They needed to get the team outside, as they couldn't defend themselves. The League planned on getting out as soon as possible.

Deathstroke tried to slide out, but Nightwing noticed. Instead of the fire Deathstroke had been expecting, amber shot out at him, hardening the second is surrounded him. He couldn't move at all, leaving him at the mercy of the angry beast.

It looked like it was going to pounce, until the second dragon intervened again. It roared louder, and something in the first dragon changed. It shook its head, the fire dying down. The second dragon softened immediately, nuzzling the first softly.

It sat down heavily, eyes closing. The second nosed it up, leading it out. Unfortunately, the amber didn't soften, leaving him stuck. He couldn't reach his sword, nor his guns. This dragon was worse than any other opponent he'd faced, besides maybe Nightwing. He had to injure the bird early in the fight, or he didn't stand a chance.

Dick laid down outside, feeling drained. He didn't know what happened. He must've lost control for a minute. Wally cautiously nosed Dick, purring softly. The League was watching from a distance, surrounding the now awake team.

Wally changed back to human, moving to Dick's head. He'd never seen Dick this tired before, nor had he ever seen him so close to killing someone. If Wally hadn't been there, Deathstroke would be in Dick's belly. He was glad he was as fast as he was.

"Dickie? Can you change back for me, baby?" Wally asked softly, stroking his snout. Dick rumbled, although it was weak. "I know you're tired, but I'll take care of everything once you're human again. I promise." Wally whispered, hoping Dick wasn't too tired to be unable to change back.

A few moments passed until Dick was laying on the ground, human again. Wally carefully pulled Dick into his arms, kissing his forehead. "What happened, baby? I've never seen you so mad." "I don't know. I was mad the team had a mission I didn't know about, and then I saw the team unconscious, and something burned inside. The dragon wanted him dead, and I think I was so angry I let it take over." Dick mumbled, leaning into Wally.

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