Time Sensitive

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Being able to work quickly and effectively was a much needed and coveted ability in the superhero world. Many if not all of their cases were time sensitive, which meant sometimes things like sleeping and eating got booted to second priority. And Wally knew that when it came to Dick, it was more likely to get pushed to third after the health of everyone else. 

Dick was in the middle of one case now, trying to track down a kidnapper. His victim, a twelve year old girl, was thankfully safe now, but that wasn't enough for the acrobat. A dangerous man left out to run amuck was even more dangerous than before, especially once he was being hunted. Dick had been tracking the guy for almost three days now, and Wally could tell he was getting frustrated. It had been useless getting him to sleep the last few days, and it had taken everything in Wally to make Dick eat. Even Bruce had been unable to convince Dick to do anything besides step away from the case for a few minutes. 

Wally was leaning against the doorframe to their bedroom now, looking towards where Dick was sitting on the couch. He looked awful, really, with dark bags under his eyes that made him look sick. He'd been typing away on his "work" laptop (the one that Wally only ever saw when Dick was working a case), and it was clear that whatever he was finding was not helping his mood. It had been frustration after frustration over the past few days, even with Bruce and Barbara helping track down leads. This guy, whom the police had previously assumed to be a low-level criminal, was proving to be a very competent and difficult person to find. 

"You know, sleep deprivation is the leading cause of frustration in vigilantes trying to track down evil perps." Wally commented, moving to sit on the opposite end of the couch.

Dick huffed. "No, evil perps are the leading cause of frustration in vigilantes trying to track down said perps."

"Well, then it's the second. Come on, Dick. You haven't slept in days."

"Walls, I'm fine. Really. I can go a bit more." Dick looked up from the screen, but his fingers kept moving. Wally wasn't quite sure how Dick was typing quite so fast without looking. Knowing him, he'd probably have twenty typos in the first four words alone. 

"You said that twelve hours ago. Dick, do you know when you last ate?"

Dick remained silent. However, the tapping of keys on the keyboard didn't stop. "I'm fine."

"Dick, please. Just an hour, okay? You sleep for one hour, and then I'll let you come back to this."

"Wally, I can't. The longer this guy stays out there, the more likely it is that some other kid may be taken just like that other little girl. I can't let that happen."

"Then I'll call Bruce. Have him and Tim work on this just long enough for you to get a nap."

"We've been tracking this guy for days, Wally. Nothing."

"Okay, then take a step back. Get some rest, take a break long enough to let your mind catch up on what it knows, and then get back into it. Besides, if you keep pushing yourself, you won't be able to actually catch this guy when the time comes. So get some rest. Let yourself be ready."

Dick smiled. "The only reason you're winning this fight is because I'm tired."

"Another reason for you to go to sleep. Then you can win."

"You are so lucky I love you. Alright, fine. One hour. You wake me up after one hour."

"Let me make the call." Wally leapt up, pulling out his phone to call Bruce. He could hear Dick moving around in the background, setting the laptop on the table. of course, Wally had no intention of letting Dick sleep for only one hour. He was about to call Bruce and tell him that Nightwing would be unavailable for at least eight hours, probably more. Surely Bruce would be able to handle the case for that long.

Wally had barely begun the call before Dick was asleep, leaning against the back cushions. Pongo was laying on the ground by the couch, curled up like he was trying to sleep as well. Perfect. 

"Finally got him asleep. Can you and Tim take over this for a bit?" Wally whispered into the phone. 

"Yes. Tim thinks he may have found a possible lead, so we may be close to catching him. How long did he ask for?" Bruce sounds like he's slept about as much as Dick has, if even that.

"An hour. I plan to let him sleep more than that."

"You and Alfred have spent too much time together."

"Well, that's what happens when you deal with superheroes who value other's health above theirs."



"Just go take care of him."

"Aye aye, captain."

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