New parents

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Dick woke up to John crying. Wally was sitting up, rubbing his eyes. "Wally?" Dick asked, trying to sit up. Wally gently pushed him down. "I've got it. You go back to sleep, you're still weak." "I've got it next time, though." Wally nodded and kissed Dick's forehead.

Dick could hear Wally shushing John, humming softly. Every since returning to the apartment three days before, the couple had been learning to deal with being parents of a newborn. Dick was exhausted, having gone through labor for the first time.

After a minute, John quieted down. Dick sighed, closing his eyes. He felt Wally slip into the bed next to him, wrapping his arms around Dick's waist. After a few minutes, they fell asleep again. John slept peacefully the rest of the night, as well as his parents.

The next morning, Dick was feeding John on the couch. Wally yawned and walked in, surprised to see Dick out of bed. "Hey. Didn't expect to see you up." "Yeah. John was getting hungry, and you were still asleep. I decided since you took care of him last night, I'd let you sleep some more. Besides, I should probably move some more. Get back on my feet."

Wally sat next to Dick and wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "Just make sure you're not pushing yourself too far." "I won't. As long as you don't try to do too much." "Deal. What do you think of parenthood so far?" "I think it's tiring, but I love it. I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Wally smiled. Dick had grown so attached to John, and he loved seeing the two interact. John was still very young, but was learning to sense when Dick was near. Of course, Dick hadn't slept as well, with John summoning him during the night. Since he wasn't as developed yet, Wally could take over some nights, allowing Dick to sleep.

Dick started coughing, turning his head. Wally took John, allowing Dick more mobility. Ever since giving birth, Dick had picked up a cough that worried Leslie. Wally wanted Dick to take medicine, but the medicine would only make him more exhausted than he already was. He couldn't do it when John wanted him so often.

"It's getting worse. Dick, we have to tell Leslie. You need medicine. This can't get worse. John doesn't need that." Wally said, watching worriedly. "He doesn't need me practically incapacitated because I can't get up. He's not old enough for that." Dick countered, taking John back. John cooed, his hands waving around.

"John also can't get sick. If this is contagious, and John gets sick, he might not survive." Dick closed his eyes tightly, turning his head away. "Don't. Please don't make me think that." "Dickie, I know you're just worried, but it's for him. If something happens to him, I know you would never forgive yourself. Let's call Leslie, and we'll move on from there. If we need someone from your family to take care of it, then that's what we'll do. We do need to think of ourselves too, ok? If you're sick, than I can take care of John while you rest. Your family is there."

"I know. I just don't want to miss any time with John. He won't stay young forever, and if something happens to us…" "I know. There's no guarantee. But to increase our chances of being there for him, we need to be rested. You go lay down, I'm taking care of John today. I'll call Leslie, and hope she doesn't call Bruce." Wally said, offering Dick his hand.

Dick took it wearily, standing and heading towards the bedroom. Wally looked down at John. "Well, looks like it's you and me today, little guy. Hope you don't mind." John cooed again. Dick crawled back into bed, collapsing as soon as he was under the blankets. His eyes slid shut, and he fell asleep.

When they opened again, Leslie was sitting in front of him. A cool washcloth was on his forehead, and she had a glass of water in her hands. She propped his head up and poured the water in, letting him drink it slowly. When he was done, she set his head back down.

"You should have called me sooner, Dick. A 102 fever. You were lucky John didn't get sick." "He's got his father's immune system." Dick smiled weakly, chuckling slightly. "I wouldn't push it. John is with your family at the Manor, and Wally is getting some rest there. You've been quarantined until you get better." "That's nice. I think I'll go to sleep now." "You go to sleep. I'll wake you when it's time to eat." Dick grunted, closing his eyes again. Leslie would take care of him, while his family took care of John. Parenting was tiring, but it was worth it. Even if he was sick.

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