Take me in your arms

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Dick sat at the apartment window, looking out over the city. It had been a bad day for him. His paycheck got cut, his favorite restaurant was closing soon, and his girlfriend had dumped him a few hours earlier for some other guy she'd apparently been talking to for a long time. As much as it hurt him, however, he couldn't help but hope she was happy. He cared too much about her.

Her name was Evelyn. Evelyn had long red hair that went past her shoulder blades, and green eyes as green as any forest Dick had seen before. She had been with him for three months, and he thought he made her happy. Sure, he wasn't always able to be there on time for dates, but he always made it up afterwards. Maybe He just hadn't been good enough. Maybe she was happier without him.

Dick blinked back the tears,  pushing himself away from the window and towards the bed. Maybe he should just go to sleep and forget this day ever happened. Maybe he'd wake up and find it was all dream. He'd wake up and find Evelyn beside him, sleeping softly. She'd be laying there, with her beautiful red hair and gorgeous green eyes. He could hope, right?

Dick climbed under the blankets, holding them close to his body.  It still smelled like her. Maybe he could convince himself the breakup had never happened. Maybe she would come back to him. Maybe this was a nightmare. That had to be it.

Dick knew he was being irrational. He knew she was gone, but he didn't want to admit it. He didn't want admit everything was crumbling to pieces around him. He didn't want to admit that he was a mess right now, with red eyes and tear streaked cheeks. He didn't want to admit that he was alone again. He just didn't want to admit he'd lost another relationship.

Dick barely registered the lock on his door opening. He didn't care. It was probably just Bruce anyway. He was the only one who had a key that came in through the door. Everyone else used the window, or a vent somehow.He didn't know how they did it. Those things were tiny. Jason once got stuck in them, which wasn't fun for anyone. Dick always got noise complaints from the neighbors above him about the "rats in his vents." 

"Wow, dude. I heard you had a rough day, but you look like shit, quite frankly." Dick recognized that voice. "Hey, Walls." "Hey, Dickie. I thought you could use some company." Wally sat next to Dick, looking down sadly at the acrobat. "Yeah, I could." "What happened?" "The worst day in the history of worst days happened." "Talk to me. Tell me what happened exactly." "Because of budget cuts, My paycheck got cut today, so rent is gonna be harder to cover. You know Hamilton's, down by the police station?" "Yeah." "Well, I found out that they're closing today." "Man. I really liked their milkshakes." "Yeah. But you remember Evelyn?" "My sib from another crib?" "Yeah. Well, she broke up with me today." "Dude." "Yeah. I just wanna forget today ever happened."

"Well, we could go out for a few drinks." Wally suggested. "I just wanna stay in tonight." "Alright. Give me about five minutes." "Where are you going?" "To grab a few things. You stay there." Wally smiled down at Dick, patting his shoulder and standing. "Wanna clue me in on what you're getting?" "It's gonna make tonight a lot better." "That's very vague." "That's the point. I'll be back, dude. Don't go anywhere." And just like that, he was gone.

Dick sighed, half expecting this. He knew Wally would just disappear. He was always disappearing at the most inconvenient times. Dick just wanted someone to be with him. As painful as it was, Dick was glad Wally was the one who found him like this. Wally, with his stupid jokes and his hundreds of freckles, as well as his gorgeous hair and beautiful green eyes. He always made Dick feel better.

"I'm back!" Wally called, holding up a bag. "What is that?" "The good stuff." Wally pulled out a tub of ice cream and a scoop. "Any sprinkles?" "Well, duh!" Wally pulled out a small container of blue sprinkles, handing it to the younger. "Thanks, man. You know me too well." Dick sniffed, smiling at the speedster. "Anything for my best bro."

Best bro. The words stung Dick for some reason. He should be glad to be Wally's best friend! Why did it hurt? It shouldn't hurt. Right now, it should be one of the best damn feelings he'd ever felt. 

"I can tell something's on your mind. Spill." "The usual stuff." "Dude, you ever noticed it's always the girls breaking up with you?" "Yeah. Guess I'm not a good boyfriend." "I didn't mean it like that! I just meant you're always happy with them, which is good! You know what makes you happy." "I just wish I knew how to make them happy." "Okay, enough sad boi hours. For now, let's eat this ice cream." Wally also pulled out paper bowls. "Are you Mary Poppins?" "No way. I am not nearly awesome enough."

Dick and Wally ate the ice cream in Dick's bed,  Wally keeping Dick distracted with jokes. Dick choked on his ice cream once, which sent Wally into a fit of giggles. "Jerk." Dick coughed, playfully punching Wally's shoulder. "But I'm your jerk." Wally smirked back. "Yeah, yeah. Just get me a napkin or something." "Alright, don't bite my hand off!" "I'm not biting you." "You know what they say about biting the hand that feeds you."

Wally got a dangerous idea. "Hey, Dick? You've got something on your mouth." "Yes, I'm well aware." Wally leaned closer, holding the back of Dick's neck so he didn't move. "Walls?" Dick gulped. Wally closed the distance between them, locking lips with Dick. Wally was prepared to be pushed away, to be called disgusting. He wasn't expecting Dick to start kissing back.

Dick, his best friend of eight years, was kissing him back.  The person he thought was straight, was kissing him back. Maybe he had a chance after all. He never wanted this moment to end. He wanted to stay here, with Dick in his arms and their lips connected. Sure, he had other things he had to do, but they didn't seem important at the moment.

They finally pulled back, gasping for air. Dick buried himself in Wally's chest, hiding his face. "...Do you hate me?" Wally whispered. "No. How could I hate you? Besides, I'm the one who kissed back." "I know it's really sudden, but would you be interested in...maybe going on a date? We can go to Hamilton's before it closes." "I'd like that." Dick closed his eyes. Now that he thought about it, a lot of his exes had something Wally did. Some had a face full of freckles. Some had luscious red hair. Some had dazzling green eyes. But Wally...Wally had it all. Wally had everything he wanted. Wally was everything he needed.

"Dickie? You're really quiet." "I'm just happy. That's all." "Really?" "Well, yeah. I'm not alone."  "As long as I'm here, you'll never be alone." "Promise?" "I promise, Dickie. You don't deserve to be alone." "You really think so?" "I do. You just had a rough day today. Tomorrow will be better." "Well, tonight was pretty good." "I'm glad. You should get some sleep." "We need to clean the ice cream up." "Two guys and a bed full of white sticky stuff is going to seem suspicious. Unless you wanna be seen as a dog like me, I'd suggest we clean up." "I hate that you're right." "Better get used to it, lover boy."

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