Life as a Hypoglycemic

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Dick had a pretty good life. He had a good father, an amazing boyfriend, and several pains he called his brothers. Despite the urge he felt to smack them, Dick loved them. Even with hypoglycemia, Dick had a good life. Now, if people would leave him alone, he'd be fine.

Case in point. Dick had been on a date with Wally when his blood sugar got low, and he'd pulled out his monitor to check the levels. He saw a lady with the Karen haircut shoot him a glance, but he thought nothing of it. Maybe she thought he was on his phone. Older women tended to do that when he pulled the monitor out.

Finding out his blood sugar was in the low sixties, Dick pulled out his medicine. He had Dr. Pepper, so he had a high sugar liquid, and his medicine should help bring him back up to normal levels.

After a few minutes, a waiter came up to the table. "Hello, sir. We have a complaint from another table that you've been doing drugs. If you have, we politely ask you to leave." Dick muttered under his breath, knowing she had accused him of doing drugs. "I wasn't doing drugs. I'm hypoglycemic, and my blood sugar had dropped, so I took out my prescription to help. I can show you if need be." Dick said, ready to pull out the bottle. He hated Karens that assumed everything.

"It's quite alright, sir. I have a diabetic cousin, and I know blood sugar monitors when I see one. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I do hope you enjoy your meal." "It's alright, and we will. Thank you." Dick smiled at him, watching as he walked away.

"Doing drugs? Seriously?" "You know Karens, Wally. You know they're stuck up, and believe they're better than everyone. She just thought she knew everything again, and tried to get her way." Dick shrugged, reaching for his drink. "It doesn't matter. She shouldn't be trying to get you in trouble for keeping yourself alive."

"It's fine. It's not the first time it's happened, nor will it be the last. Let's just forget about her. We're still on a date, and I refuse to let it be ruined by a Karen." Dick grabbed Wally's hand. Wally wrapped his arm around Dick's waist, noticing Karen shot them a disapproving look. What did she know about them?

After finishing their meal, they went to leave. They were going to an arcade Wally found, which surprised Dick. He had trouble finding one online, so how Wally found one on his own he had no idea. Nevertheless, he was excited.

They were walking to their car when the Karen came up. "I know what you did. The waiter may be a fool, but I'm not. God doesn't approve of drugs." She snapped. "Ma'am, I wasn't doing drugs. I'm hypoglycemic, and my blood sugar got low. What I took was prescription medicine that helps bring it back up. I have not done drugs, nor will I ever do drugs. Besides, doesn't the Bible say not to judge?" Dick said calmly.

Karen scoffed. "As if you know anything about the Bible." "Ma'am, the verse I was referring to is Matthew 7:1. Maybe you should read the whole Bible, instead of the parts that you want to hear." "You're so disrespectful! Haven't you heard of respecting your elders?" "I'll respect my elders when my elders respect me. Now, if you're done throwing a temper tantrum, we'll be leaving."

Wally gripped the wheel tightly as they drove, clearly upset. "Are you still mad about the Karen thing?" "I try not to be, but with people like her, I can't help it. She was judging you for saving yourself. I don't get how someone can be so ignorant." "Look, the way I see it, she was going to get mad anyway. If we hadn't walked away, she'd probably start yelling about how I wasn't using essential oils or something. Let's just forget about her, and enjoy the rest of our night." Dick smiled, putting his hand on Wally's shoulder.

They did enjoy their night. The arcade was filled with games, and Wally loved seeing Dick win endless tickets. They walked away with a giant elephant plushie, which Dick had won. Date night ended like it always did, which Dick was glad for. Even with the Karen experience, the night had turned out better than he expected.

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