Tell me where it hurts

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Dick gulped softly, holding the water jug to his chest. It was here. The thing his Master had warned him about. He stood like a statue, praying it didn't hear his racing heart. He could hear it, though; deep growling behind him, followed by twigs breaking and leaves crunching. He couldn't move, not with it so close to him. Gods, he was stupid. He knew he wasn't supposed to go out after night, but that guest his Master had over had loaded him up with chores, and he'd been stuck getting water late.

Something scaly brushed up against his leg, just barely there for a moment. In the jungles of Runni, those scales could mean death. The Naga was a dangerous creature, something his Mami had told him about before she was killed. She'd warned him that if he ever came across one, he needed to stay as still at possible, lest the creature attack and kill him. Many believed it was best to make loud noises and scare the thing away, but Dick knew better. His Mami had taught him better.

Breath tickled his neck, making Dick close his eyes. It was right behind him. He could feel its gaze on him, watching him intently. What did it want? Nagas usually stayed farther downstream. A hand slithered over his shoulders, brushing against the scars he'd gotten over the years. His Master was not a very patient man. In fact, Dick would probably be getting more tonight. He was way later than he needed to be.

The end of that long, scaly tail wrapped around his leg, at if to keep him there. It slid next to the chains around his ankles, put there so he wouldn't run off. He heard another growl, and the hand tightened on his shoulder. Dick took in a deep, shuddering breath, trying not to bolt from the Naga.

The Naga pulled Dick to its chest, sniffing at his hair. This was the end. This Naga was going to have him for dinner. He was never going to see anyone ever again. He was never going to be able to say goodbye. He'd never see his adoptive family again. What would Bruce think? He knew Dick wouldn't run away. Would he go looking?

"Why? Why why why why why why why why?" The Naga whispered to itself, thumbing over Dick's scars. Dick was confused. What was it talking about? Did it not like his scars? It pressed closer, until it's chest was against his back. Its breath puffed against his neck, making him shiver. It was too close.

"Where?" It whispered, pressing its lips to Dick's shoulder. 

"...What?" He whispered. 

"Hurt. Where hurt?" 

"I'm not hurt." 

"Smell it. Hurt bad. Bloody. Smell it. Where?" 

"There's no blood." 

"Not blood? But smell. Smell no lie." Dick shivered again, holding back a whimper as a hand moved down his body. It brushed over his newest scar, making him whimper. His master had given it to him two weeks ago, when he'd almost dropped a vase.

"Here. Hurt here." It whispered, gently rubbing the pale skin. 

"Not anymore. It's healed." 

"Hurt. Why hurt?" 

"I messed up. Made my Master mad. That's what he does when he's angry." 

Dick heard a hiss behind him. "Bad Master. Hurt you." 

"It's his job to discipline us." 

"Discipline no mean hurt. Discipline punish, but no hurt. Hurt mine." Dick was confused. It was speaking in broken sentences, and he could make out about half of what he was saying. What did his Master hurt?

Arms wrapped around his waist, picking him up like he weighed nothing. Dick yelped, holding onto the arms tightly. "W-What are you doing?" 

"No more hurt. Mine." 

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