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Dick's heart ached as he saw Wally flirting with Artemis. He had the redhead in his heart, but Wally didn't share the same feelings. Dick had been trying to drop hints to Wally, but all it seemed to do was spur on his insistent flirting.

A small coughing fit drew Dick's attention away from the duo. Dick slipped out of the room, coughing into his hand. What was wrong with him? He'd been feeling this way for days. Something wet, then-soft?

Dick pulled his hand away to see a yellow petal. His face paled as he instantly realized what was happening. His feet directed him to the zeta beams, his body still coughing up the petals. He had three now, all yellow. He had to tell Bruce.

Everyone drew their attention to the beams, wondering why Nightwing was visiting. He stepped forward, holding something in his hand. "Is Batman here? I need to talk to him." Dick's voice was firm, but some could hear the panic in it. "He's in the security room." Green Lantern informed Dick. Dick nodded and walked away, glad his eyes were masked to hide the pain.

Bruce looked back as the door opened then closed. "Are you alright?" Bruce walked up. "We have a problem. A big one." Dick seemed drained. He handed Bruce the petals, which had dried blood on them. Bruce's eyes widened. "This isn't-" "It is." Dick's voice trembled.

"Who is it? These mean sorrow, or neglectance." Bruce sounded angry. Dick almost flinched. "Wally. But don't tell him. I…I don't want to force him to love me. Besides, he's shown interest in Artemis. I want him to be happy."

"Dick, you could die. Wally has to know. He deserves it." Bruce cupped Dick's face. The only cure to this disease with the yellow petal was the one neglecting or causing sorrow to realize what they were doing and make amends. "Bruce, please. I don't want him to be stressing about this. He deserves to be happy." "You deserve to live."

"Just…promise me you won't tell him. Don't tell anyone." Dick pleaded, biting his lip. "I promise, for now. But if it gets to the point where you start coughing up full flowers, I will tell him. I'm not losing you." Bruce insisted. "Alright. I promise to tell you when it gets to that point, or if it stops." Bruce nodded at Dick's promise and hugged him.

He may not be telling Wally, but he knew someone who could. So, maybe he recorded the conversation. What were the chances a curious speedster just happened to come across it? What if Wally could find out from his uncle?
Wally waved and chuckled as he left, but dropped it as soon as his face was out of sight. Artemis had invited him over for dinner, which hadn't been that great. Wally was happy to leave. Artemis had been getting clingy and jealous, often dragging him away from Dick. Dick had been getting sadder, and Wally just wanted to hug him forever.

Wally's phone rang. He pulled it up to see Barry's name flashing on the screen. Wally answered it and put it to his ear. "Hey, Barry." "Wally, you need to come home. I have something to tell you, and it's not good." Barry sounded sad. "What's going on?" "I need to tell you this in person. It's serious."

Wally slipped into an alley. "I'm on my way. I expect details." Wally hung up and sped home, worry on his mind. Was it Dick? Dick had been attacked on patrol? Dick was dying? Please don't let him be dying.

Wally sped into the living room, where Barry was sitting. "What's wrong?" "Sit down for this. Trust me." Wally sat on the couch, almost shaking with nerves. Barry grabbed Wally's hands. "How much do you love Dick, Wally?"

Wally was taken aback. "He's my best friend. What happened to him, Barry?" Barry sighed and pulled out a small recorder. "Nightwing came to the watchtower today, asking for Bruce. He left this for me to tell you. I'll pay it, then you tell me what you think's happening." Wally set the recorder down and pressed play.

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