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Dick knew it was a risk. Wally knew it too. They knew together that it was a huge risk, but one they were willing to take. They had decided that no matter what happened, they would do what they could. They wouldn't abandon it.

When Dick woke up every morning to nausea and the feeling of being sick without actually being sick, he knew it had happened. Wally was there for him, getting him water and carrying him when needed. After a test, there was no denying it. Dick was pregnant.

How did that happen? Let's go way back, back when Dick's parents were still alive and the world had not been graced with his presence. Dick was originally supposed to have a twin sister. But something happened, and Dick ended up absorbing her. Due to whatever had happened, Dick had some female body parts, and could get pregnant. He was the definition of intersex.

They decided to call Leslie, because who better to know about babies than a doctor? She unfortunately happened to come in during Dick's morning sickness. Wally was kneeling down beside Dick, rubbing his back and he coughed the horribly tasting substance from his mouth.

"I see you're not feeling well." Leslie said, kneeling down as well. "It'll pass soon enough. Sorry you had to see that." Dick said, turning so his back rested against the tub. "It'll pass?" "Morning sickness. You still got that picture, Walls?" "Yeah. Here, this was yesterday. We called you as soon as we found out. A lot of medical stuff behind it, but it's real." Wally said excitedly, showing her the picture.

The picture was Dick holding the positive pregnancy test, tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. Leslie's eyes widened. Dick smiled at her. "We called to make sure we don't hurt the baby. I know I have to get off patrol, and my diet is going to have to change. We just weren't sure what to do."

Leslie nodded. "For your diets, there's one major thing you need to limit: caffeine. It will harm the baby. No more then 200 milligrams a day. Fish, alcohol, raw meats, unpasteurized foods, all of those you need to avoid. I'm not too worried about that second one, but it would be best to mention it while I'm here. You'll want to focus on vegetables and fruits, protein, calcium, iron, and folic acid. You may need to take vitamin supplements for that."

"That's it?" Wally asked. "For his diet. You still need to try to move around some, and when you get to the third trimester you need to tell someone if you feel contractions. I don't care how serious they are, or how early it is, you need to tell someone immediately." Dick nodded, gently laying his arms across his stomach.

"Do you have any idea how were supposed to…get the baby out? My anatomy isn't exactly like a woman's." Dick blushed slightly. "Our best shot to getting the baby out healthily is to do a C-section. You'll still be able to have kids afterwards, if you want to." Dick nodded, grabbing Wally's hand.

Leslie visited three months later, when Dick had entered the second trimester. He was wearing looser clothes, but his pronouncing stomach was pushing at it. Dick had been active, always walking around the apartment and keeping the place clean. Wally was being very gentle, pressing kisses to Dick's cheeks. Dick looked very tired, but very happy.

The family had taken the news well. They were all excited for the newest member of the family, and had all volunteered to babysit. Dick had been thrilled at the news. That made missions a whole lot easier. He'd been scared they'd be angry at him for getting pregnant.

It was weird, getting used to the extra weight on his front. Dick was used to having almost nothing, and now he was adding more. At first, Dick had been uncomfortable with all the weight he was gaining. But once Leslie had said it was alright, Dick had relaxed. The cravings sometimes got…weird, but Wally did his best to make Dick happy. He knew pregnancy would be in no way easy, and he wanted to make it as easy for Dick as possible.

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