Control shouldn't be yours

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Dick couldn't believe his body was doing this. No, this had to be a mistake. It was his body, why couldn't he move it? Why did he have a sword in his hands, and why was he walking towards Wally? There had to be something he could do.

"Dick, snap out of it. You're stronger than her!" Wally begged, tears in his eyes. "He can't hear you, little speedster. His body is now mine. He's my newest puppet. He shall be your downfall." An old and raggedy voice laughed. "Dick, please. I know you."

"You're just a child! What can you know?" The voice snapped again. "You are Dick Grayson, also know as Robin. You also go by the Boy Wonder, one half of the Dynamic Duo. You've been a hero for five years. You are one of the strongest people I know, Dick. You can't let Cecilia do this."

Now Dick remembered. Cecilia Mordo, the new school therapist. She'd been pulling him into her office recently, although she had no reason to. Her sessions were always aggravating, and she kept asking questions about his sexuality. He just wanted to curl into a ball and disappear every time she pulled him in.

"I told you it's useless. Kill him." Dick's body moved forward again, getting closer to the speedster. Dick wanted to shoot at Wally, to scream at him to run and get away. He didn't move, waiting for Dick. "It's okay, Dick. I'm here. I won't leave you again."

"Pin him down." Dick's body did so, grabbing Wally's wrists and pulling him down. He planted his knee on Wally's back, right below his neck. "I love you, Dick. I always will." Wally smiled up at him. "Oh, please. Someone as pathetic as you can't give him anything besides a useless feeling. Kill him!"

Something snapped inside of Dick. He threw the blade at her instead, anger breaking her hold on him. "Dick?" "Insult me all you want. Question me, poke and prod me like I'm a science experiment. Torture me, kill me, but don't you dare insult him." Dick spat, helping Wally stand.

Cecilia was pinned to a tree, the blade caught in her sleeve. "You useless brat!" "I'm not useless. If I was, I wouldn't have been able to defeat your control over me. You may have used me, but I will not be your little assassin."

"Dick!" A voice called. He turned around to see a few of the League members heading towards him. Now the exhaustion chose to hit him, making him feel faint. "Woah, hey! Keep your eyes open, Dick!" Wally caught Dick as he collapsed, holding him close.

"I love you, Wally." Dick whispered, letting Wally hold him tightly. His eyes threatened to close every second, and it was then he noticed that he was in his Robin costume, yet Wally was in civies. Weird. Oh well.

His eyes closed, and he fell unconscious. Voices swirled around him, trying to stir him from this sleep he was in. He could make out Bruce's and Wally's voices, although the rest were too indistinct to make out.

He woke up again at the Manor, the ceiling greeting him as he opened his eyes. His body felt sore, and his head was not being kind to him. "What…?" Dick mumbled to himself, trying to sit up. Hands gently pushed him down. "Don't get up, Dick. Just stay down." Wally's voice rushed over him like a wave of calm.

"Walls?" Wally nodded. "It's me, Dickie." "Are you okay?" "I'm fine. I had a bruise on my back for a few hours, but it's gone now." "I didn't hurt you?" "You didn't hurt me. I'm okay, Dickie. And I am so incredibly proud of you. I know you could do it."

Wally hugged the younger, holding him tightly again. "What happened?" "You went missing during school one day. The League found you later, but Cecilia was controlling you. She ordered you to capture me, which you did, and to kill me, which you didn't." "How did I get in the Robin costume?" "It was a replica she made. She wanted to make heroes look bad. Luckily, no civilians saw you before you broke her control, so your secret's safe. J'onn wiped your identity from her mind, so the police think she chose someone random."

"I love you, Wally. I'm so sorry." "It wasn't your fault, Dick. But I love you too." "Why didn't you run? I could've killed you!" "Because I knew you needed my help to break her control. You started fighting once you got closer to me. If I tried to run, that control would've been broken." "You're an idiot." "Yeah, yeah. Just hug me again." "Clingy." "You were just controlled by an eighty year old woman who tried to get you to kill me. I can be as clingy as I want."

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