Ita finally happening

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Smut warning! Don't like, don't read. Sorry for so many, they just go along with the stories.

Dick groaned as he opened his eyes. His body hurt, and his head felt heavy. Where was he? Why couldn't he move his hands? Why did his body hurt? He was so confused.

"Dickie?" A familiar voice asked. "Walls?" "Yeah, it's me. Are you okay?" "I'm sore, but otherwise, yeah. You?" "Same. You remember how we got here?" "No. You?" "Nada." "Why can't I move my hands?" "They're chained together. Can you see anything?" "No." "Try opening your eyes."

Dick did so, wincing at the harsh light. "Ow." "Sorry, I needed to make sure I wasn't talking to a half conscious Dick Grayson." "You might still be talking to him." "Can you see a door? Something to get out of?" Dick looked around, trying to force his eyes to open. "No. It's just rock wall."

Wally cursed, pulling on the chains around his arms. "Where are we?" "I don't know. Just stay there, okay? I'm going to try and break these chains." "Just phase out of them. Make your molecules go whoo!" Dick giggled. "Shit. You're still drugged, aren't you?" "I didn't take any drugs." "We were drugged before - Oh, why am I even bothering? Just stay still."

Dick watched hazily as Wally sped over, a small stream of blood dripping from his nose. "Are you hurt anywhere? Broken bones, bleeding, any of that?" "Besides a broken heart, no." "Broken heart?" "Pongo ate the last of my garlic bread."

Dick sighed as Wally unwrapped the chains, pulling his arms down and rubbing his wrists. When did he get in his hero costume? When did Wally get in his? "Alright, I want you to hold onto my back. I'm going to see if I can find a way out." "Where we goin?" "We're going to try to go home, okay? Back to your dad, and my uncle." "But I don't wanna go! He's mean, and you're warm. I like you." Dick whined, holding onto Wally's arm tightly.

Wally sighed, but let Dick hold on as he looked around. There had to be some way out of there. They'd gotten in, so they had to get out. "Hey, Dickie, I need your bat brain for a second." "What do you need my brain for?" "I need you to think of a way out." "Could blast the wall." "No explosives." "Call the League." "No radio." "Tell M'gaan." "Probably out of range. Besides, we're not hooked up with a telepathic link." "Then I dunno."

"Come on, Dick, think! I know you're drugged, but I need you to think hard. What would Bruce do?" "First, he'd bitch about me screwing up and landing us here. Then he'd lecture me about being careful. Then he'd look for, like, a secret passage or something." "First of all, language. Second of all, why didn't you say that before?" "What?" "The secret passage!"

Wally picked Dick up, carrying him on his back as he walked around. There had to be a secret door here. That's how they got in. It was probably hidden in the rocks! Sure, getting out with Dick in this state would probably be difficult, but he would do it.

Wally finally found a knob, which gave him a feeling of hope. Maybe they could get out of this easily. He opened the door, expecting to find a long hallway, maybe some guards or traps. He wasn't expecting to find a bedroom, with various sex toys all over the walls.

Wally was about to curse his bad luck when something pushed them in, closing the door behind them. They fell to the floor, Dick collapsing in a heap besides Wally. "Ow. Dick, are you alright?" Wally shook his head. Dick groaned, but didn't answer Wally.

Wally crawled over, turning Dick on his back. Dick weakly reached out, searching for Wally. Wally grabbed his hand, holding it tightly. "Walls?" "I'm here, Dickie. I'm here." "Where are we?" "Some sort of sex room. The door's disappeared. Can you stand?" Dick let Wally pull him up, holding onto his head as he sat up. "Best guess, probably no."

Wally picked Dick up, setting him on the bed. "Well, maybe we can sleep until someone finds us." "Who? All of our stuff either isn't working, or is gone. You can bet trackers are being blocked. How will anyone know where we are?" "They will. We're dealing with the World's greatest detective, and the Justice League. They'll find us."

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