Wally's birthday

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Smut warning! If you don't like the topic, don't read. You've been warned.

Wally West's birthday wasn't well known. Sure, he was Dick Grayson's husband, but that was pretty much all. Nobody was really interested in him, they were interested in his husband. In Dick's opinion, they were stupid.

Wally had a small party. Family and friends surrounded them in the watchtower, laughing and talking. Dick had been with Wally the entire time, trying to make up for the time they missed on his birthday. Wally was pretty happy, so it was working. Why wouldn't he be happy? He had all he wanted here.

"Can we go somewhere private?" Wally asked, whispering in Dick's ear. "Yeah. Is something wrong?" "Hmm? No! I just need a break." "Oh. Ok. Let me tell Kaldur." Wally nodded, following Dick. Even if it was just his family, Wally could get…what's the word Dick used? Haphephobic! He didn't know why, but he usually needed some time without touching anyone.

Dick led Wally to his room, gently holding his hand. Wally slid into his room, sitting on the bed with a sigh. "Better?" "Yeah. Thanks, Dickie." Dick smiled, sitting next to Wally on the bed. He refrained from touching Wally's hand, knowing he needed time to calm down.

After a few minutes, Wally sighed again. "Can I hold your hand?" Dick asked. "Yeah. I'm feeling better." "What happened?" "Large crowd, tiny speedster. Too many people." "We can go home if you want." "I'll stay a few more minutes. You can stay afterwards." "I want to make sure you're alright. Wherever you go, I go."

Wally smiled. "What would I do without you?" "Go crazy. C'mon, let's go back before people get suspicious." "What do you think they think we're doing." "One word, three letters, starts with s and ends with x." "Of course." "Yeah. Oh well. Too bad they're just rumors." Dick smirked, walking out of the room after that.

Wally followed, noticing Dick give him the look. He had something planned, and Wally knew it. Dick never got that look unless he had at least seven different plans, and all of them were pranks on somebody. Was Wally about to get pranked?

When the couple left the phone booth, Dick practically dragged Wally back to the apartment. "What's the big rush?" "I've still got to give you my present." Dick smirked, pushing Wally into the apartment. Wally felt himself blush at that. Did Dick mean…?

Dick pulled Wally to the bed, connecting their lips once the speedster hit the sheets. Dick straddled the older, cupping his face. "Happy birthday, Wally. Just sit back and let me take care of everything." Dick whispered, nibbling on Wally's earlobe. Wally shivered, putting his hands on Dick's waist.

Dick pulled Wally's shirt off, moving his kisses to the ginger's neck. Wally moaned as the soft kisses turned into gentle love bites, tightening his grip. "Dick, as much as I love them, please do something besides bite my neck." "Aw, is the birthday boy feeling impatient?" Dick teased, carefully biting down on Wally's sweet spot.

"Very." Wally moaned, sliding his hands under Dick's shirt. Dick slapped them away, pinning them to the bed. "Well, you'll have to be a little patient. You can touch, but don't try to speed this up." Dick purred, littering Wally's collarbones with hickeys.

Wally whimpered, but found soft lips on his again. He closed his eyes, opening his lips when he felt Dick's tongue prod at them. They fought for dominance, even though Wally knew Dick was going to win. They didn't do it often, but when Dick was in the mood, he took over. It usually happened when Wally was in a bad mood, or something special happened.

When they finally pulled back for air, Dick leaned in again. "You can take my shirt off." Wally nodded, slowly pulling Dick's shirt off. With every inch of toned muscle and tan skin revealed, the more Wally's desire increased. He itched to mark up that skin, but he wanted to let Dick do whatever he needed.

Dick moved his hands to Wally's waistband, slipping then down past his hips. "Can I…can I kiss your neck?" Wally panted. Dick always knew how to drive him crazy. "Go ahead." Dick nodded, tilting his head to the side.

While Wally went to work on Dick's neck, Dick was going back to some of the hickeys he'd made earlier. It was one of the only things Wally regretted about his superspeed. He couldn't show everyone what a good job Dick did of making him a quivering, whimpering mess.

"Mind getting us out of these?" Dick asked Wally, smiling when Wally was quick to do so. As much as he loved falling apart at Wally's touch, it was kind of nice to see Wally fall apart too. When it was just them, and the bedroom was dark, and things started getting heated, that was one of Dick's favorite times.

"Hold out your hand." Wally did so, and Dick poured lube in it. Wally spread it around on his fingers before bringing them to Dick's hole. He shivered as one wiggled in, holding onto Wally's neck tightly. "Are you okay? Do I need to stop?" Wally asked. "No, I'm okay. Keep going." Dick said shakily. Wally pressed kisses to his face, trying to distract him from the burn.

Wally eventually slid the second finger in, scissoring the two. Dick grimaced, his blunt nails digging into Wally's back. As fun as it was getting all the attention, getting almost nothing then being touched in one of his most sensitive places was nice too.

Wally finally slid the third finger in, pumping them in and out. "Stop." Dick told him, putting a little command in his voice. "Did I do something?" "No, I was about to come." Dick huffed, groaning as Wally's fingers slipped out.

Dick grabbed the lube again, slicking Wally's cock up. Wally groaned, digging his head into Dick's shoulder. "Feel good?" Dick asked quietly, smiling as Wally nodded. He still had the touch. "You're about to feel even better."

Dick sunk down on Wally, moaning at the feeling of being absolutely full. Wally dug into Dick's shoulder again, feeling kisses being pressed to his neck and shoulders. "Need a minute?" Wally nodded. Dick rubbed Wally's back, slowly growing accustomed to the stretch.

Wally eventually sighed. "I'm good." "Are you sure? I don't want to move if you're not ready." Dick cupped his face. "I'm sure. As long as you're ready, I'm okay." Dick nodded, connecting their lips again. Wally moaned into the kiss and Dick started moving, rocking his hips at first. Wally wrapped his arms around Dick's waist, holding onto him tightly.

"Dick." Wally called out, panting through his moans as Dick started bouncing on him. "Feeling good?" Dick asked again, moving his lips to Wally's sweet spot. Already the mark he'd made was gone. "Very." Wally gasped, hands shaking against Dick's back. Tears were in his eyes from how good it was.

"Dick, I-I'm close." "Me too, Walls." Dick panted. Wally was angled just right so he scraped Dick's prostate on every thrust. Wally held onto Dick tightly, the knot in his stomach tightening. "I love you." Wally whispered, unable to make his voice any louder. "I love you too, Wally." Dick whispered back, right on the edge.

They came at the same time. Wally had practically passed out, riding his high. Dick held himself up on shaky arms, looking down at Wally. The speedster was shaking, and he was actually sweating. "Wally? You okay, baby?" Dick asked, putting the back of his hand on Wally's forehead. Wally nodded. "Just tired. That was amazing."

Dick smiled, leaning down to kiss Wally's forehead. "I'm going to grab some stuff to clean us up with. Stay here." Wally whimpered when he couldn't feel Dick nearby, too tired to piece together what Dick had told him. Something about stuff. That was all he remembered.

"I'm back, Wally." Dick said softly, proceeding to clean Wally up. Wally sighed as the damp washcloth crossed his skin, cracking his eyes. Dick was sitting beside him, smiling down at the redhead. "There he is. How do you feel?" "Like I hit cloud nine." "So I did good then?" "You did better than good. But I could use a nap." "Just give me a few more minutes, and we'll go to sleep." "Kay."

Once getting the both of them clean and in boxers, Dick changed the sheets and picked up their clothes. Sure, he felt a little weak in the knees, but Wally was exhausted. He could do that much for the speedster, especially when he couldn't do it.

Once Dick slipped in next to Wally, they curled up. Wally was laying on Dick's chest, holding his hand. "Happy birthday, Wally. I love you." "Love you too, Dickie. We've got to do that again." "As much as I love riding you, I do kind of miss being underneath you." "You won't have to powerbottom the next time, kay?" "Works with me. Now go to sleep." "Night."

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