Body language

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Over the years of being a couple, Dick and Wally had developed a language with their bodies. They could have hours of conversations, and only move an inch. The League had long since given up on trying to understand the duo, letting them converse with each other. The team, on the other hand, were too stubborn to give up.

Dick and Wally was in the living area of the mountain, looking at each other silently. They'd been staring at each other for thirty minutes, and nobody knew why. Dick had only moved once, his hand going from his chin to his lap. Otherwise, they'd been completely still, which freaked some out. They'd never known Wally to sit still for so long.

"Are they dead?" Bart whispered to Wonder Girl. 

"I think they're paralyzed." She whispered back. 

"Why are we whispering?" Artemis whispered to the duo. 

"We think Nightwing and Wally are dead." Wonder Girl whispered. 

"Oh. They're just talking." 

"About what?" 

"Let's find out. Hey, Wally!" The duo looked over at her.


"What are you talking about now?" 

"Whether Batman could defeat Darth Vader with a light saber, or with his bare hands." 

"Bare hands, duh." 

"Ha! Told you, Wally!" Dick whooped. 

"I think the battle would be better if he used a light saber." 

"That wasn't the discussion, and you know it." 

"Yeah, I do." 

"Mhmm. Pay up."

It carried over to missions, too. All they had to do was look at each other, and they had a twelve step plan involving bees, cable, and a firework memorized. They could make the toughest of villains get on their knees and weep at their pranks, which made them laugh each time. It was funny to see Bane sniveling on the ground. Aqualad always sighed, swearing those two were going to give him gray hairs at twenty two.

Nobody was ever able to decode their language.  They used it to talk shit about Batman in front of his face, to have very important conversations, such as whether or not Wally could fit 25 marshmallows in his mouth or not, come up with plans in a split second, and avoid the mind link. It was fun, but not everyone needed to know the details of their, ahem, nightly life. Nobody had to know that Dick could take nineteen inches with no problem, nor that Wally could last for over two hours.

I know this is very short, and I'm sorry, but I'm hitting writer's block again. I give you what I have. 

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