Is this the end?

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Dick yelped as a piece of rubble crashed down, almost hitting his foot. He and Wally were caught in a collapsing building, were injured, and had no way out. Wally pulled Dick closer, shielding him with his body. "I think this is it, Dickie." Wally quietly whispered. 

"No. No, it can't be. We're too young!" 

"Dick, please. We knew this day would come." 

"Yeah, fighting villains and saving lives! Not to rubble." 

"I know, Dickie. God, I wish I could change this. But I can't. There's no way out this time, Dickie. No backup close enough. No way for us to get out. No way to stop the rubble." 

"There has to be something!" 

"There isn't. Listen Dickie, listen to me." Wally cupped Dick's face, forcing himself to look into those desperate blue eyes. He wanted to stay alive. He wanted to change this. But he couldn't. Nobody could.

"I love you, Dickie. I always have. You've been the one by my side for as long as I can remember. We've had a lot of good times, but it's ending now. We knew this dance would end, we just hoped it would be in the future. I'll tell you one thing, though: I'm glad I'm with you. I know our family is going to hurt, and I know the world will hurt, but we'll be together. I'm not alone, or with a stranger, or someone I hate. I'm with my husband, and like hell is anything going to separate us."

Dick wrapped his arms around Wally's neck, trying to hold back the sobs. "I love you too, Wally." 

"We'll be together, Dickie. Together forever." 

"Don't you dare leave me." 

"I won't. We'll never be apart again." 

"You promise?" 

"I promise, Dickie." 

Another piece of rubble started falling, destined to crush the couple. 

"This will hurt." "Only for a little while. The pain will be gone soon." Darkness descended, leaving nothing but the sound of crunching bones.

It hurt like hell. Bone tore through skin, organs were smashed, and they were pressed too tightly together. It didn't last more than ten seconds, yet it felt like an eternity. Then, there was nothing. Dark, unfeeling silence. Then the panic. Where was the other? They'd promised to stay together forever. Where were they? Where was the pain? Where was their husband?

Twin gasps echoed in the air, blue and green eyes snapping open. Things were coming back now. They could see soft light, accompanied by brilliant blue skies. They could feel soft sheets under them, like a gentle reminder they were safe. They could hear melodies, and talking and laughing and fluttering. They could feel a hand in theirs, holding on tightly. They looked over at each other, unable to find a scratch on their husband.

"Wally?" Dick whispered. 

Wally nodded. "You okay?" 

Dick nodded. "Can you move?" 

"I think so. You?" 

"Same here. Where are we?" 

"I think we died, Walls." 

"Yeah, but where are we?" 

"I don't know." 

Wally took a deep breath, forcing himself to sit up.  Surprisingly, there was no pain. It was almost effortless. They were in a marble room, a balcony leading out connected to their room. "Somewhere much better than we can afford."

Wally stood up, moving to help Dick. They leaned heavily on each other, still shell shocked at what had happened. Had they really died? They made their way to the balcony, moving slowly. There was a giant garden in the back, flowers and trees lining the paths. There were people walking around, tending to the plants and harvesting the fruits.

They made their way back to the room, moving to explore. They found a giant bathroom behind one door, and a walk in closet the size of their apartment behind another. "Is this heaven?" Dick whispered. 

"I don't know. Come on, let's get changed. I feel naked in this tunic." Dick nodded, following the redhead into the closet. They found shirts and jeans, as well as tennis shoes. They couldn't bare to let go of the other for too long. 

Wally reached for the last door, but it swung open. Behind it was another person, dressed in a tuxedo. Wally yelped, leaping back and pushing Dick behind him. "Forgive me for startling you. My name is Bernard. I'll be taking care of you from now on." 

"W-Where are we?" Wally gulped, trying to steady his racing heart. 

"You're at your Mansion, of course. Heaven welcomes two valiant heroes tonight." 

"What about the other heroes? Where are they?" 

"Still on Earth. They have made it out unscathed. Come, you'll leave the guests waiting."

Wally and Dick cautiously followed Bernard, still unsure of this place. They just did their job; why were they here? This place seemed to have the same layout as Bruce's Manor, but it didn't make sense. All they'd ever been able to afford before was an apartment. Why would they be given this? It seemed empty without their family here. Would they get their own mansions?

They turned a corner, and were quickly tackled by a multitude of people. Tears welled up as Dick recognized his mom and dad, pulling them closer to him. Wally was held by his grandfather and grandmother, who looked about forty years old. Voices clamored around them, overlapping and buzzing with excitement. 

"You're here!" 

"Welcome home!" 

"Come here and give me a hug!" 

Dick and Wally looked at each other, twin smiled on their faces. Maybe they could still visit their family on Earth. Until then, they had their families here to reunite with.

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