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Warning before we start: this is smut. I may never do this again, so if you want to torture yourself with it, go ahead. If you don't, just reread the book or wait until the next chapter. You've been warned.

It wasn't Wally's fault. He and Dick had been in Central City, getting a snack, when his attention happened to be drawn to Dick's jeans. His, unusually tight, jeans. Dick never wore jeans that tight. Wally felt himself blush and looked away, trying to avoid looking down there again. It was Dick's body, and Wally had no right to it. Yeah, they were married, but that didn't mean he could just go defiling Dick anywhere.

The more Wally looked at Dick's outfit, the more he realized it was intentional. Skinny jeans, and a tight-fitting muscle tee that just happened to hug his curves perfectly? Wally wasn't stupid, and he knew Dick wasn't either. Dick had done this on purpose. Wally cursed his hormones, which were starting to make him feel flustered.

At the apartment, Wally had to restrain himself from just pinning Dick to the bed. He was playing with Wally, walking with an extra swing in his hips. Dick always walked with a slight swing, but this was exaggerated. Wally had to step into another room at one point, or he would risk losing himself. He had to get a grip.

"Walls? You alright?" Dick asked, leaning against the doorframe. "You're teasing me on purpose, aren't you? The jeans, the shirt, the walk. You're trying to drive me mad." Wally groaned, leaning against the wall. "Mm, not mad. Just…a little wanting. It's been months since that first time, and I want to try again." "Dick, you got so weird, and I don't even know what happened." "I think I do. Just trust me, okay? I'm ready."

Dick's lips met his, soft and sweet. Wally swore Dick used chapstick, but never found any. There was no way his lips were that soft without some sort of additional help. Wally dared to try something and swept his tongue across the seam of Dick's lips, trying to see if he could, perhaps, start things out.

Dick opened his mouth, leaning into Wally's body now. Wally darted in, taking the opportunity to explore everything. Dick moaned, and Wally knew there was no way they were not doing it tonight. They were both hot and bothered, and Dick knew what he was doing. Dick consented, and Wally consented, and Wally thought that maybe, maybe he could finally claim what was his.

They pulled back, a string of saliva connecting them. "You're sure about this?" Wally asked, one last time. He had to be sure. "I'm positive. Do you want to do this, or do you want to wait?" "Oh, you've got me turned on, pretty bird. You're not getting rid of me now." "Good. Bed?" "Bed. Are you more rough, or gentle?" "I get plenty of rough during work hours." "Gentle it is. I'll do my best to keep you walking in the morning. I can't promise you won't be sore, but you'll be walking." "Thanks."

Wally picked the ebony up, slinging him over his shoulder. "Like the view?" "It'd be better without as many clothes." "Good thing we agree on that. Brace yourself." Wally carefully slung Dick onto the bed, hearing him giggle as he landed. "You are too cute." "Yeah, yeah. Get down here and kiss me again." Wally laughed and complied, straddling the younger as he kissed him again.

Wally broke the kiss long enough to pull their shirts off and let Dick get a breath before he was pressed against Dick's body, hands roaming around the toned muscles. He could feel Dick's bulge pressing against his stomach, and he briefly wondered how he managed to captivate this beauty into his life.

Dick let out a low moan as Wally's lips attached to his neck, almost immediately finding his sweet spot. Wally nibbled on the skin, smirking at the sounds it drew from Dick's kiss swollen lips. Dick's hands wrapped around his neck, one entwining into his hair. "Wally, please." He whimpered, needing more. He needed Wally.

"You're sure about this? There's no going back." "I'm positive. I married you, remember? If I didn't want this, I wouldn't have dated your for nine years, then married you." "I know, but this is for me. I don't want to hurt you." "You won't hurt me. But if you don't hurry up, I'll go from waiting to flipping us over and riding you." "And you say I'm impatient."

Wally unbuttoned Dick's pants before pulling them down, rubbing circles on the inside of his thigh. Dick shivered, his boxers feeling tight. Those jeans Wally was wearing couldn't feel too good either. "Okay, those jeans have to go, or I'm going to go insane. I have a feeling you would too." Dick groaned, moving his hands down to Wally's waistband.

Wally groaned as some restriction was taken away, dropping his head onto Dick's shoulder. "You alright?" "Yeah. Was nearly driven crazy by just losing some restriction." "Then let's get it all off." "There are times I'm glad you're the one doing all the hacking stuff, because you are a genius." "Thank you."

Wally went back to kissing Dick once everything was shed, reaching for the lube. With his speed, it was imperative he had lube instead of something like spit. Spit wasn't a great lubricant anyway, and in order for nothing to get damaged, Wally needed sufficient supplies.

Dick moaned as one finger pushed past his rim, trying to remain relaxed. The lube was cold against his skin, and Dick leaned into Wally to warm up. Wally was like a portable heater that was allowed everywhere. Wally shushed him softly and pressed hisses to his face, being slow with his movements. "Not fun?" "Not at the moment. It'll get better." "And you know that how?" "I went to Roy after the first fiasco. He explained a few things to me."

Wally nodded, connecting their lips again. He slipped a second finger in next to the first, massaging Dick's thigh. Dick moaned again, although it was swallowed by the kiss. A slight hint of pleasure was spinning inside of Dick's brain, making its way to his body. Wally slipped the third in, pumping his fingers faster than before. He knew Dick wanted this, and he was willing to give Dick anything. If it meant giving him the world, Wally would gladly hand it over.

Wally pulled his fingers out, wrapping Dick's legs around his waist. Wally kissed Dick as he pushed in, trying to distract the acrobat from the pain. Nevertheless, Dick hissed and dug his head into Wally's chest, fingers digging into Wally's back. "I know, I've got you, babe. I won't move until you tell me to." Wally whispered, massaging Dick's hips and thighs. Dick whimpered, wondering how anyone could like pain whilst doing this.

After a few minutes, Dick let out a shaky breath. "You can move." Wally pulled back before thrusting back in, making Dick yelp as it brushed his prostate. He could've sworn Wally was a psychic and knew where Dick's sensitive spots were. It set a quick pace, leaving Dick a quivering mess under Wally.

Wally slid one of his hands into Dick's, kissing him again. He couldn't get enough of Dick's lips, which were soft and sweet, and just addicting.  His hips rolled, at a surprisingly slow pace. Dick was absolutely lost to the pleasure, moaning and whimpering and making beautiful sounds that Wally wanted to hear forever.

"Walls, I'm, m'close." Dick shuddered out, tightening his grip on Wally's hand. "I'm almost there too. Together?" Wally grunted, sweat rolling down the side of his head. One kiss, three thrusts, and they were both coming. Dick's landed on his chest and stomach, while Wally's was contained inside Dick's body. Dick moaned, going limp not long after.

Both panted, holding onto the other loosely. "Well…that felt awesome." Dick huffed, giggling slightly. "You said it. Do you like bottoming, or do you want to try topping?" "I think that's going to be something we'll have to test out." "Now?" "No. Later. I'm tired." "Let's get you cleaned up, then we'll cuddle." "Sounds perfect."

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