Until the end of the line

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Wally sat by the hospital bed, watching as Dick slept. His body was covered in bandages and tubes, including wires for the many machines attached to him. He'd been in there for a month now, sleeping peacefully.

Nobody knew what happened. Dick had been at work one night, and had been found as Officer Grayson on the steps of the department. His body had been barely recognizable, and he'd barely been alive.

Wally had been by Dick's side as often as possible. The nurses and doctors all knew him by name now, and often supplied him with blankets when he fell asleep next to the acrobat. They all knew how much he cared for his husband, and they were all trying their best to bring him back.

"Dickie, I don't know if you can't hear me. But if you can, please...please come back to me. You've been gone too long. I can't live without you. I don't want to lose you, and I need you back." Wally whispered, holding onto Dick's hand tightly. He couldn't bear to lose Dick.

Dick didn't respond. Wally hadn't been expecting him to. The injuries were just too great for him to be waking up at the moment. He probably wouldn't wake up for another week, at least. How did he let this happen?

Nobody knew who did this to Dick. The person who dragged him onto the steps had been wearing a mask and hoodie, hiding his identity. There had been no prints or DNA that didn't belong to Dick, and nothing had been left behind.

Wally sighed, laying his head down on Dick's bed. He just wanted Dick to be okay again. He'd give anything he had to make sure Dick was alright. He'd give his heart if he had to.

"Wally? Can I talk to you?" Dr Irons asked. "Yeah. What's up?" Wally walked into the hallway, hoping it was something good. "We believe with the amount of trauma he took, he may have amnesia. We don't know how far back it'll go, which means-" "He may not remember me." "I'm afraid so." "Is there a chance he'll get his memory back?" "There is. If you can get him around familiar things, people he was close with, it may trigger memories. But he won't remember your marriage if he doesn't remember you."

"I know. I hope that isn't the case." "We all do. He should wake up in a few days, but it's not a guarantee." Wally nodded, looking back at Dick. Maybe Dick would wake up soon. Maybe he would remember everything. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't have to deal with anything else.

Dick slept for five more days. Wally left long enough to take care of Maximus, unless he called someone to help. Barry offered to stay at the apartment for a few days, which Wally gladly accepted. It was nice to have his uncle so close, especially when he needed help the most.

Wally had been dozing next to Dick when he heard the first groan. He thought he was hallucinating at first. There was no way Dick would be awake this early. His injuries were too severe for that to be possible. He was just going crazy.

It was the second groan that snapped him awake. Okay, once might have been a hallucination, but twice? Maybe something was wrong. He needed to get Dr Irons. He'd know what to do.

"Doc!" Wally said, hurrying over to the man. "Wally?" "It's Dick. He was groaning just a few seconds ago." "Did he wake up?" "I don't know. I came to get you as soon as I heard." "Let's hope he's waking up, instead of getting worse."

Wally entered the room, standing next to Dick's bed. Dick still seemed asleep, with his eyes closed. Maybe it was a complication. Was Dick getting worse? No, that wasn't right. He had to be getting better. This was Dick Grayson-West he was talking about! The guy who would try to fight when he had multiple broken bones, who would push himself through a raging fever just to go on patrol.

Dr Irons put a hand on Dick's pulse point, making sure it remained consistent, when Dick's eyes fluttered open. Wally couldn't breathe, looking at the eyes that had been closed for so long. The beautiful blue he'd lacked was here again.

"Where…where am I?" Dick croaked. "You're at the hospital. You were hurt pretty badly. Just stay down for now." "Who are you?" "My name is Dr Irons. I've been taking care of you for the past month." "I've been out that long?" "Like I said, you were hurt pretty badly."

Wally sat down next to the bed, shaking as he waited for Dick to notice him. After a month of waiting, Dick was finally back. He was awake, and Wally could take him home! They could finally be together again.

Dick looked over at the speedster, confusion in his eyes. "I know you, don't I?" Wally nodded. "You do." "But I don't remember you." "Probably not. You were hurt really bad, and we think you have a case of amnesia. But you recognized that you knew me, so that's something." "What's your name?" "Wally. You call me Walls as well. We live together."

"We do?" "We do. Once you get better, I can take you to our apartment. Maybe that'll jog some memory." "Maybe. Where's Bruce?" "He's in Gotham. I can call him, see if he'll drop by." "That would be nice." Wally smiled at Dick, who seemed tired. Wally couldn't blame him, since he'd been out for a month.

Dick's eyes started closing, hiding the blue Wally loved so much. He wanted to shake Dick's shoulders, keep him awake, but knew that wasn't what Dick needed. Dick needed sleep. Sure, it might freak Wally out a little at first, but he'd get over it. He'd learn to cope eventually.

Dick stayed at the hospital for three days. Bruce visited the first day, talking with Dick and trying to figure out what all he remembered. Bruce had sent Wally home to get rest, telling Barry to keep him there. Wally didn't sleep well without Dick, which he expected. Ever since they got married, he'd never been able to sleep without the acrobat.

Wally returned the second day, when Bruce had to go back to Gotham. As powerful as Alfred was, even he would eventually go crazy dealing with Jason, Tim, and Damian. Bruce just hoped they hadn't somehow burned down the Manor.

"Hey, Dickie. How are you feeling?" Wally asked as he came into Dick's room. Dick was standing by the window, looking outside. "A lot better. Although it would be nice to go outside." "I'll talk to Dr Irons about it. Are you sure you should be standing yet?" "I stayed in bed all of yesterday, and I'm tired of laying down. I feel fine, so I'm fine." "I never said you weren't. I'm just worried about you. You were unconscious for so long, I would've thought your muscles would have weakened." "You and me both."

Wally stood next to Dick. "So, did you and Bruce manage to jog any memories?" "The only memory that he jogged was the fact that he's a stubborn ass." "I guess that's true. Anything about me?" Dick sighed. "Not yet. Maybe going home will help." "Maybe. Just remember: I'm with you until the end of the line."

Dick gasped, stumbling backwards. "Dick?" Wally asked, wrapping an arm around Dick's back. Dick was panting, eyes squeezed shut. "I'm going to go get someone." "No, no, it's okay. I'm okay. Just…give me a minute." "You should sit down." "I'm fine, Walls. I just need to process some stuff."

Dick was quiet the rest of the day, usually standing by the window or somewhere close by. Irons told Wally this happened yesterday as well, which worried him. Was this going to keep happening?

Wally drove Dick back on the third day, keeping an eye on the ebony. He watched as everything passed, giving Wally the idea of a kid going to Disney World. He just seemed so excited to be out of the hospital.

"This is our apartment. It's not much, but it's home." Wally told Dick as he unlocked the door, leading the younger in. Dick looked around, trying to recognize something. Maybe a picture, or a specific piece of furniture.

Maximus came running up to him, barking excitedly. "Maximus?" Dick smiled, kneeling down and hugging the dog. He wiggled out of Dick's grip, running around and jumping in Dick's lap. "He's happy to see you." Wally smiled, kneeling next to Dick. Sure, maybe Dick didn't remember everything, but that was okay. Wally would be with him until the end of the line.

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