The one who sacrifices

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There was no denying that Dick had lost a lot in his life. It started with his parents, when they fell from the trapeze. It continued with his circus life, when he went to Wayne Manor. It continued after that with his civilian life, when he became Robin.

The longer he went, the more he gave. He put his blood, sweat, and tears into his work. How many times had he ended up in the hospital or the medbay because he had sacrificed his health for others? How many times had he been sick, but refused to lay down and rest because his city needed him? The other heroes lost track long ago.

Now was another of those moments. Dick was asleep on the couch of the Mountain, sick from patrolling in rainy weather. The team was keeping an eye on him, making sure he didn't exhaust himself further.

Artemis was sitting with Dick, watching her baby brother. After losing Wally two years ago, Dick had started getting more reckless. He didn't care about himself anymore. If anything, he seemed desperate to feel pain. To get closer to dying each time.

Dick groaned, turning to his side. The blanket fell into the floor, and he shivered. Artemis covered him with it again, brushing the hair out of his face. He didn't look good at all. Of course, he'd gone out on patrol for three days after the storm, so his condition had only gotten worse.

Kaldur walked in. "How is he?" "Still asleep. I really do think he needs to be moved to the medbay." "As do I, but you know Leslie as well as I do. She would kill him if she found him in there again." Artemis sighed.

Dick groaned, curling up. "I think he's too sick to be out here." "As do I. But Batman instructed me not to put him in his room, and the medbay may mean he gets on Leslie's bad side. Here is best. We can watch over him, and get Leslie if we need to."

"Wally." Dick called out, panting. "Two years later, and he's still hopelessly devoted." Artemis sighed again. "They were separated too early." "They really were. Do you think they'll ever see each other again." "I hope so. They deserve it."

M'gann floated in, Zatana trailing behind her. "Is he still sick?" "Unfortunately. Any news on Klarion?" "None so far. Doctor Fate doesn't believe he's done yet. He thinks there's still something up his sleeve." "What's left?"

"There's some sort of alter. Not much is known about it to the Lords of Order, but the Lords of Chaos know everything. What we do know is that it gives a Lord of order the ability to feed off another person, in a way. While the person gets weaker, they get stronger. However, there's certain requirements for the sacrifice. They can't be forced. It has to be a willing exchange."

"That's the only thing stopping him from using it. Without a willing sacrifice, it's useless." Artemis deducted. "Exactly. Fate believes Klarion wants revenge, and will try to come after one of the heroes. Considering Dick is ill, he's the one Klarion is most likely to come after. I've been sent to provide some protection."

"If he attacks, we'll need it. Dick is in no condition to fight, even to protect himself. There are times I wish he wasn't as stubborn. I wish he would just call in sick when he didn't feel great." "You know him. He didn't care too much before Wally. He cares less now."

Dick groaned again, cracking his eyes open. "Hey, Dickie. How are you feeling?" Artemis asked, feeling Dick's forehead. "Not much better. Can I get some water?" "Yeah. M'gann, do you mind?" "Not at all."

Dick shivered again, pulling the blanket close. "Still cold?" "Mhmm." "Y'know, if you hadn't gone out in the rain it wouldn't be this bad." "Don't choose now to chastise me. I might make sure to throw up on you." "Do it, and your escrima might go missing."

Dick was about to say something else when a loud noise hit his ears and he went flying. He rolled across the floor, groaning at the pain. He could hear the others groaning as well, and attempted to sit up. Something wrapped around his wrists, pulling them together and pulling him up. Dick struggled as best he could against Klarion's chest, hearing the cat hiss in his ear.

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