Lost at sea, but not to me

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Bruce had suggested the idea. After seeing a few grays in Dick's hair, he sent said acrobat and his worried husband on a cruise. Dick had dyed his hair back to black, hiding the cause of this trip.

Dick had noticed the grays recently. But it wasn't his fault they were showing up! He'd been dealing with meta-human traffickers for months now, but every attempt he made seemed to make the situation worse. On top of that he was dealing with the team and his family, and working in the police force was no easy tax. To add onto that, it was tax season, and Dick was scrambling to get it done quickly and efficiently.

The first night, Dick had been really dizzy, and spent it in his cabin. Wally had spent the night with him, giving him water and grabbing snacks when needed. It always happened to Dick, and Wally hated it. Dick spent the first night unable to walk, and it messed with his head so badly he felt drunk. Dick only knew what getting drunk felt like because of a mission, when whoever had kidnapped him decided to try and use alcohol to incapacitate him.

The next morning wasn't as bad. Dick was able to sit up and walk for short distances without wanting to puke. Wally got him cereal for breakfast, snagging bacon for himself. It was going to be an entire day of sailing, so the two decided to explore a little.

The top deck held a pool, two bars, a burger place and a taco place. The two changed into swimming trunks and spent the day in the deck, Wally swimming while Dick slept. Wally growled when a couple of girls, no older than college kids, giggled and motioned to his husband. Wally felt a stab of jealousy, but ignored it. If they tried to move onto Dick, especially while he was asleep and more relaxed than Wally had seen him in weeks, he would be there.

When Dick woke up, it was as if the girls had never noticed him. They stayed on their side of the ship, which Wally was happy about. When Wally got out, Dick wrapped a towel around his shoulders and gave his nose a quick peck. Wally simply smiled at his bird. Dick seemed more like a kid in an adult's body, rather than someone who was sprouting grays from stress.

The day after, they arrived in the Bahamas. Dick and Wally walked the streets, holding hands and looking for souvenirs. Bruce had given Dick a large sum of cash, leaving him with enough to get everyone something without using his own money. After a long day, they decided to sit on the top deck and watch the stars. Dick was more than happy to lay there, pointing out constellations that they wouldn't normally be able to see.

Dick ended up dozing in Wally's arms, any tension in his body melting away. This cruise was what they needed after all. Wally carried Dick through the nearly empty halls, save a few late partyers. They fell asleep to the sound of the engines rumbling and the waves splashing.

A sudden jolting woke them up. They quickly scrambled to their feet, only to be knocked down. "I didn't think cruises got this bumpy!" Wally shouted, yelping when the room started to tilt. Dick looked like he was going to be sick, pale and shivering. Wally grabbed Dick and the column in their room, keeping him from sliding against the wall. Dick had managed to grab their suitcase, which held everything they'd brought, as well as the gifts for their family in it. There was a moment they were weightless, then gravity struck again.

"What happened?" "Wally, look at the window. I think the ship tipped over, and we're on the bottom." Dick paled farther, his shaking worse. "We need to get into the hallway and up to the life boats. I do not want to be down here if those windows break." Wally said, helping Dick push himself up towards the door. Dick got into the hallway, set the suitcase down, and pulled Wally up.

They managed to get to the lobby before the sound of breaking glass and rushing water reached their ears. The lobby was practically abandoned, no sight of anyone. "Where is everyone?" Wally wondered. "Plenty of time to answer that later, but for now we need to get out of here. We've encountered no one so far, so they must have gotten out already. We need to follow their example." Dick said, grabbing Wally with a shaking hand.

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