she's clingy (requested)

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Stirring from your peaceful slumber, you opened your eyes and blinked a few times to adjust to the sunshine coming in through the half-open curtains.

You tried to move but you were unsuccessful as Lisa only tightened her arms around you and buried her face in your neck with a soft hum as she breathed in the smell of your fruity body wash that lingered on your skin.

A warmth spread through your heart, a smile tugging at your lips as she breathed against your skin and slept soundly for the first time in a couple of months. She's finally home from tour, making everything feel oh so perfect once more.

It was nice waking up to her warm embrace after spending so many mornings and nights alone. You missed her warmth and her comforting touch and you planned on relishing in every second you get to have with her now.

Thinking she must be so exhausted but deserved a good meal, you had the idea of making her some breakfast and bringing it up to bed for her. You craned your neck and kissed her cheek before trying to scoot out of her arms. But she didn't allow you to move an inch, only holding you even tighter than before.

"No," she whined. "You're not leaving."

"Baby, I was just gonna treat you to a nice breakfast in bed." You chuckled and managed to roll over so you could face her. "You deserve it after working so hard. You always do nice things for me when you're here. Let me do something nice for you." You whispered and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear before kissing her soft cheek.

She opened her eyes and brought you closer, making your head fall onto her chest.

"I'll be right back, baby. I'll only be twenty minutes, thirty at the very most." You promised and felt her grip loosen. You gave her a sweet good morning kiss; the first one you've shared in months, and it was even sweeter than you remember it being.

You got out of bed and padded into the bathroom first. You brushed your teeth and jumped when you went to rinse out your mouth as she snuck up behind you and hugged you.

"Babe, you could've stayed in bed and gotten some more sleep." You mumbled as you turned to face her, hands cupping her cheeks. She leaned into your touch and even brushed her lips against your palm ever so softly.

"Not without you. I missed you too much to be away from you for even another minute."

"Okay, cutie." You giggled. "Why don't you brush your teeth and meet me downstairs?"

She whined as you pulled out of her arms and walked out of the bathroom to leave her alone for a minute to brush her teeth. She brushed them quickly before joining you in the kitchen.

"I missed you." She mumbled softly, a loving brush of her lips against your shoulder following her sweet words.

"You were only up there for two minutes." You replied with a joyous giggle before you dropped everything in your hands to turn and focus on your needy but loving and adorable girlfriend.

"I don't mean just now, y/n. I meant while I was away, too. I love performing and I love being around the girls every day for months at a time. But the beds in every hotel room were too big for just me, too cold without you. I missed your laugh, I missed your touch and your beautiful smile."

Your cheeks turned red before she began to kiss across them both and made her way to your lips.

"I missed your kisses," she whispered against your lips, pulling away to kiss your jaw. "Missed the taste of your lips and your smell. I missed everything about you. I know I'm home now and we don't have to part for months to come, but I just want to hold you tight and follow you everywhere you go because it was so hard without you by my side and I don't ever want to let you go."

Your heart melted. All you could do was loop your arms around her neck and press your lips onto hers.

She sighed against your lips, fingers brushing along the smooth skin of your back. She melted into you and relished in the mint on your breath.

She put her arms around your waist and lifted you onto the counter. Her starry brown eyes gazed into yours, her hands on your hips, and her smile bright as you let out a cheerful laugh.

"I missed you." She said again. "And I love you so much, y/n. I can't even find the words to say. I just love you."

"I love you, baby." You replied before cupping her chin in your hand to bring her in for another kiss.

She was still holding onto you, still clinging to you, as she kissed you lovingly again and again. Her heart fluttered in her chest and swelled with love for you, wishing that these moments with you would never end.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now