swimming accidents (requested)

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Coming to the beach today sounded like a wonderful way to spend the day with Lisa. Even though you're not the greatest swimmer you can go out a little way without having any issues and as long as someone is there with you, you usually feel more at ease about it all.

"Y/N!" Lisa called for you, feet still buried in the sand as she finished setting everything up before she'd follow you in. "Be careful, okay? Don't go out too far! I'll be joining you in just a second."

You simply nodded your head and swam in the water. You let it hit your shoulder blades that were especially warm due to the sun beating down on your skin. You turned to see Lisa just starting to get into the water. You went in just a little deeper, figuring she would catch up with you in only a minute or two. You felt blissful as you swam around.

But that blissful feeling faded away fast. It was just a few seconds later when you realized that you had let yourself be carried by the water and you could no longer touch the bottom. You tried to yell for Lisa but nothing came out. You tried to swim back but the current was pushing you forward more and more, until you were completely underwater.

Meanwhile, Lisa was panicking as she looked around for you and frantically yelled your name, catching the attention of other people around her who quickly asked her if she was okay. She was quick to explain the situation, telling them you couldn't swim all that well and that you were nowhere to be found.

It wasn't long before people were starting to search around for you, and what felt like an eternity but what was more like five minutes later, she saw you.

She swam to you and yelled frantically for help. A few people quickly swam over to you and pulled you to shore. A towel was spread out on the sand and you were laid out over it.

Lisa couldn't breathe. Her heart was in her throat when she noticed your blue lips and that your chest wasn't rising and falling like normal. She laid her hand over your chest, right over your heart, only to feel that it was barely beating and you weren't breathing.

The voices around her were faint because she could only seem to focus on you. People tried to calm her by telling her help was on the way, but it did nothing to calm her racing mind and the tears stinging her eyes.

It was long ago that she took cpr classes, but it all came back to her in that moment. She placed the heel of her hand on the center of your chest and her other hand over it. She kept the rate of the compressions steady and pressed her lips to yours to give you two rescue breaths, and much to her relief your chest started to move.

She let out a breath of relief when your eyes fluttered open. You were dazed and confused. Why were there so many people crowding around you? Why was Lisa crying so much?

"Lisa?" Your voice was hoarse but you were conscious and that was most important.

"Baby. Oh, thank gosh you're alright! You really scared me!" She smiled through her tears. The wail of the sirens could be heard in the distance. You caught your breath and reached for Lisa's hand.

"I'm so happy you're okay. Gotta be more careful, okay? I can't handle the thought of losing you; not now, not ever."

"You'll never lose me." You assured. "You saved me. Thank you, baby."

She nudged your cheek with her nose. A tearful smile crossed her face. As she gazed down at you, knowing now that you were gonna be just fine, she knew she'd do it all over again in a heartbeat if she needed to.

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