she gets jealous (requested)

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You and Lisa walked hand in hand into the party together.

The room was buzzing with loud music and chatter, which wasn't really your scene but Lisa really wanted to come here tonight so you tagged along for her sake.

You heard Rosé's voice from across the room and she, along with Jennie and Jisoo, waved you both over. "I'm gonna go grab a drink. I'll meet you both over there." You said and kissed her cheek before making your way to the bar.

Despite seeing each other earlier in the day at the studio, the girls were immediately pulling Lisa in for a hug. She giggled and quickly got swept into a conversation with a very excited and happy Jennie.

But out of the corner of Lisa's eye, she saw something. Jisoo had her head turned toward the bar and she was frowning. "Jisoo? What's wrong?"

Jisoo looked back at Lisa then back where she was looking before. This time they all looked over to the same place and Lisa wasn't happy with what she saw.

There was a man standing by you. He had a sleazy smile on his face as he tried to make a move on you. He had a drink in his hand and even as he sipped on it, he never took his eyes off of you. They raked over your figure, tongue darting out between his lips to wet them as he continued to flirt with you.

Lisa lost it when she watched him move his hand to the small of your back.

She huffed and stormed over to you.

When she was coming up behind you she couldn't help but roll her eyes at how he spoke to you.

"So you still haven't told me your name. What is it?" He asked and you looked down at your drink before looking back up at him.

"Well, uh, it's-"


Lisa finished for you with a very fake and sarcastic grin as she came up behind you and put her arm around your waist.

"I see you're hitting on my girlfriend here. Nice try but she's already taken, and quite happily at that. You should just take your drink and what's left of your pride, and just go."

She shooed him away and the look of satisfaction in her eyes only grew when he grabbed his drink and walked far away, slightly taken aback by your girlfriend and her confidence.

"Thank you, Lisa. God, I told him like a thousand times I had a girlfriend but he just wouldn't listen." You sighed, but when you looked up at your girlfriend you saw her eyes weren't on you. Rather, they were still on the man across the room as she sent him a death glare.

"Lisa," you grabbed her face and wrapped your arms around her. "Just ignore him. Alright? You're the one that I'm in love with. I'm all yours."

She leaned in and softly kissed your lips. "I know, and I'm so lucky to have you. But please stay by my side for the rest of tonight?" You giggled but agreed.

And with one more kiss, she happily wrapped her arm back around you and led you back over to the girls and you all enjoyed a fun night together, refusing to let the random and obnoxious stranger ruin your night.

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