lost (requested)

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You couldn't believe that this was happening to you.

You looked around the large crowd of people passing you by as they walked through the big city of Seoul and went about their day while you're having one of the worst ones you've ever had.

You're new to Korea. You only moved here a couple of days ago for a fresh start in life, which is something that you desperately needed.

You decided to get out of your apartment and go grab some things you need from the shops.

Since you don't know your way around, one of your new neighbors tagged along with you.

But somewhere along the way, you lost them and now you're stranded.

To make things worse, your phone is lost so you don't know how to call them, or anyone, to help you find your way around and it's making you panic.

"Excuse me? I need some help." You spoke to one of the people walking in your direction. "I'm not sure where I am. Can I please use your phone?"

"No." They said before walking by you, carrying on with their day.

You tried a couple more times with a few other strangers, pleading for them to allow you to use their phone so you could find your way back to your apartment.

But they all had the same reply as the first person you encountered.


You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths as the last stranger you asked walked away, refusing to even say a word to you in response to your question.

You felt overwhelmed and unsure of where to go and what to do.

And you didn't know what you were going to do.

It only made your mind race more, which heightened the panic you felt.

But then, a voice cut through the anxiety you felt by helping you, at last.

"You can use my phone."

The voice sounded quite familiar to you.

And when you opened your eyes and looked at the girl who was standing in front of you, you realized why.

It was Lisa.

"Here." She smiled as she held her phone out for you to take. "Go ahead and call whoever you need. Take your time to explain the situation, so you don't get even more overwhelmed. It's okay." She assured.

"Thank you so much." You sighed in relief and carefully grabbed her phone.

You called your neighbor's number and it took a couple of rings before you got an answer.


"Hey. It's Y/N." You said and heard them let out a breath of relief on the other end of the phone.

"Thank gosh. I thought something bad happened to you! I've been calling and texting you. Why are you calling from this unknown number and where did you go?"

"I'll explain that later. But I just wanted to know if you could come and get me? I still don't know my way around. I'm lost."

"Of course. Where do you want to meet for me to get you?"

You looked around before looking at Lisa.

"Hang on." You said before talking to Lisa. "Do you know of any restaurants nearby?"

"Yeah. There's a great place just down the street."

She told you the name of it, which you then told your neighbor.

"I'll meet you there in a little while. Just hang tight."

You thanked her before ending the call and handing Lisa's phone back to her.

"All good?"

"Yeah. Thank you again for letting me use your phone." You said and watched her eyes sparkle.

"It's no problem. What's your name, by the way?"

"Oh, I'm Y/N." You said and she grinned.

"It's so nice to meet you. I'm Lisa!"

"Nice to meet you too, Lisa." You said, gazing into her brown eyes as they locked with yours for a moment.

"Are you going to that restaurant I told you about?"

"Yeah." You said. "I'm going to wait for my neighbor there."

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

"Yeah, sorta."

"How about I buy you something?"

"Oh, no, I couldn't ask you for that."

"Well, you're not asking. I am." She smiled. "And I insist. I'm going to grab something to eat from there anyway because I've got an hour or so in between my busy schedule. I'd love it if you'd let me buy you something. You can keep me company and tell me about how you got stranded in the first place."

Lunch with Lisa sounded too good to turn down.

Besides, that smile on her face was impossible for you to say no to, in worry that you'd make it fall and turn into a frown that just won't go away for some time.

"Okay. I'd like that. Thanks."

"No problem. Come on, stay by my side so you don't get lost again."

"Funny." You said and she burst into laughter, making your heart flutter as you walked with her to the restaurant down the street.

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