trouble (requested)

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"Oh, honey, we've missed you so much!" Lisa's mom said as she squeezed Lisa tight.

Lisa was holding onto her mom just as tightly as she felt her heart swell with happiness to finally be home again.

She only gets to spend the next three days here with her parents in Thailand but after spending so much time away from them and her home, she's happy to get just that.

It was better than nothing.

"We're making dinner, your favorite!" Her mom grinned and Lisa put her bags down, following her into the kitchen.

Her dad was there, standing at the stove as he worked on making one of Lisa's favorite meals.

However, as soon as he saw Lisa, he put everything down to hug her tight.

"Lisa! We've missed you!" He said and kissed her head softly, making her giggle.

"I've missed you too!"

"So, where's your girl?"

"Oh, right," Lisa said before sighing sadly. "Y/N couldn't make it, unfortunately. Something came up related to work and she couldn't get out of it. She promised she'd come here soon to see you both."

"Oh, we understand." Her mom assured her. "Is there any chance we could FaceTime her though? We do miss her and it would be nice to talk to her."

Lisa's heart melted a little as she saw just how loved you were by her parents and with a smile on her face, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and tried to FaceTime you.

"I can't guarantee that she'll answer but if not, I'll call her back in a bit," She promised as her phone chimed for a few seconds before you answered.

"Hi, baby! I was just about to call you!"

"Hi, my love." Lisa smiled. "What perfect timing then. My parents wanted to say hi. They miss you."

She handed her phone off to her mom before standing back to watch them talk to you.

"Y/N, honey! Hi!"

"Hello!" You cheerfully said. "I'm truly sorry I couldn't make it. I feel terrible about it."

"No, don't worry about that. We're happy we can talk to you, at least. Besides, that just means that Lisa will have to come back soon. In a few weeks. Does that sound good?" Her dad said.

"Yes, of course! We can talk it over and set a date. I'm already looking forward to it!"

"Us too!" Her mom smiled.

You spent the next few minutes chatting and laughing with her parents as you caught up with them.

But Lisa got impatient and eventually wanted her phone back to talk to you after about ten minutes.

"Can I talk to my girl now? Please?"

"We'll talk to you later, Y/N. We miss you and can't wait to see you!" Her parents said before handing Lisa her phone back.

"I'm going to go and put a few things in the room and talk to Y/N. I'll be out in a few."

Going into the other room, she grabbed her bags and went down the hall to the room she'd be staying in for the next few days.

"I've got you alone now." She smiled as she closed the bedroom door. "But just so we can talk in private," She paused and pulled her AirPods out before putting them in her ears. "There. Now it's just the two of us."

"Are you happy to be home? Even though it's only for a couple of days?"

"Yeah. It's so good to be back. My parents have tomorrow all planned out so it'll be a busy day but I'm looking forward to it." Lisa excitedly said.

"That's great, baby. I'm happy to be home too. I had such a long day but I'm enjoying laying down in our bed, although your side is cold and I'm a little lonely."

"Well, I'll be home very soon." She giggled.

She got up and started to go through one of her bags.

"So, only you can hear me right now, right?"

"Yeah." She said. "Just me. Why?"

"Just thinking. I miss you already and you must miss me, right?"

"Very much, darling."

She looked at the screen and saw that you were wearing nothing but one of her shirts.

"Whoa, baby. You look sexy."

"Yeah?" You smirked. "Do I sound sexy too?"

She furrowed her eyebrows for a second until she heard you let out a moan.

"Lisa," You moaned. "Oh, Lisa,"

"Y/N!" She gasped as her eyes went wide. "Are you serious? Are you doing this right now?"

"You know you love it." You said before moaning once more.

It was a sound that made her heart pound.

She's used to hearing them when she's right there with you but hearing them through her AirPods and when her parents could come in any second was different.

It was a little risky.

But... she liked it.

"If only you were home with me right now," You said as you ran your fingers across your skin, slipping her shirt up your body slightly.

"Stop," She whined. "I like this a lot but you are driving me insane."

"That's the point, baby." You smirked. "Oh, Lisa,"

"Babe," She bit her lip, gazing at you through the screen with a look that told you she was warning you. "If you don't quit right now, you will be in so much trouble when I get home."

"Yeah? Are you threatening me? Or promising me?" You asked as you sank your teeth into your lip, making her breathe out a shaky breath.

"Oh, so hot." She said and when you let out another moan, she clenched her jaw as she became torn between getting angry with you for this or melting over it.

But just as she partied her lips to tell you about how she'd be punishing you for this, there was a tap on her shoulder.

"Oh, god!" She gasped and saw her mom standing there.

"Sorry that I startled you, honey. But I was wondering if you were hungry. Food is ready."

"Yeah, of course. But I have to finish talking to Y/N."

"No, baby, you should go. It's time for you to eat."

"Y/N," She said as she clenched her jaw harder and realized what you were doing. "We should finish."

"No, we can talk tomorrow. I'm tired and you need to eat so I'm going to get some rest. Bye, Lili."

Before she could say anything, you ended the call and she swore to herself then when she gets home she wouldn't be letting you off the hook easily for this one.

You're in trouble, lots of trouble, and she won't be taking it easy on you when it comes to getting some revenge.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now