waking her up with kisses

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You turned over in bed after reaching out to shut off Lisa's alarm.

Your very tired girlfriend was still sleeping soundly beside you. The steady rise and fall of her chest and the tiny breaths escaping from her slightly parted lips signaled she was in a good dream, and you felt bad knowing you had no other choice but to wake her.

She has very important things to do with the girls today so she couldn't be late.

You tapped her shoulder but she didn't even move. So you then shook her shoulder while you spoke her name loudly, and just as you thought it would, it made her stir in her sleep. But she only lifted the covers further over her and rolled onto her side.

Her back now faced you and you could tell she was sleeping again. You sighed and rolled her over on her back once more. There's one way to really wake up your girlfriend, one way she absolutely can not resist.

You brushed a few messy hairs out of her face before you started to kiss across her face. You moved your lips from her forehead to her temples down to her cheek and even left a couple of kisses by her ear before moving to the other side and showing the same amount of affection there.

Lisa was waking up now and with a smile on her face. She still had her eyes closed but when you started to kiss her chin they opened She let out a few soft giggles before puckering her lips. You kissed the corners of them first and teasingly laid your forehead onto yours.

"No fair," she murmured.

"Yeah? It got you to wake up though, didn't it?"

She pouted, knowing it was always something that would make you cave into whatever it was she wanted right away.

She smiled against your lips as you gave her a soft kiss. You pulled away when she tried to make it a more passionate one. "You gotta get ready! Go on, get dressed,"

You grinned to yourself as you got out of bed and went into the bathroom with a smirk as she threw a pillow at your legs with a whine.

Somehow, you already knew that she'd get back at you one of these mornings, and you really wouldn't mind one bit.

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