let her go - part one (requested)

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"It doesn't stop." You spoke quietly as you watched Lisa scroll through your Twitter mentions.

Your Twitter was full of negative messages and hateful tweets from fans, too many of them crossing lines that shouldn't be crossed with names they were calling you.

"Mabe we should think about deleting your account. At least for now." She sighed as she locked your phone.

"And what good will that do, Lili? I still have Instagram. Should I delete that too? Just to stop people from being so vile towards me?"

She sighed as she took your hands into hers, knowing it was an unfair thing to ask you to do.

"And what did I even do to deserve all of this hate? Fall in love with you? Like that's such a bad thing? To fall in love with someone."

"I know. It's not fair and I hate that you have to go through this." She said as she pulled you into her arms.

"I love you." You mumbled.

"I love you too."

"No, Lisa, I wasn't finished."

She slowly pulled away from you, feeling it deep in her heart that something was about to follow those words, something bad.

"I love you but... maybe it would be best if I just left. Maybe if we split up-"

"Absolutely not! I won't let you go."

"Won't let me?"

"Yes. Exactly right. Because I will not lose you! I love you too much."

"Lisa, I'm just trying to make things better! I feel like the entire world hates me."

"That's not true. Because I love you. The girls adore you. My family loves you. My friends love you. There are so many people in this world that love you. It's just hard to see when hateful people are louder at times."

You nodded and lowered your head.

"Let's just call it a night? Okay? It's getting late. We'll just go up to bed and cuddle until we fall asleep. Tomorrow, we'll talk more and figure things out with clear heads. We won't jump to conclusions. We'll figure it out together. Maybe we can find a way to make this stop. Maybe I can say something."

"Okay." You agreed and she took your hand into hers, bringing it to her lips for a loving kiss before you both stood up and walked upstairs to bed.

It's been a stressful couple of days for both of you. Lisa is busy with things with the group and to make things even harder, your relationship was leaked yesterday.

She knew it would take some time for things to calm down and she knew not everyone was going to be supportive. You were prepared for that the moment she told you about her life and the risks that come along with dating her. It was all worth it at the end of the day. You're in love. You've been together for almost ten months and life has never been better... until yesterday when everything changed.

And although you love Lisa and you knew if this ever happened it would be hard, you didn't think it would be this hard. It's brutal to know people that don't even know you personally, and probably never will, absolutely despise you just because you're dating Lisa.

It's just overwhelming at moments.

"I've got you. It'll be okay." Lisa whispered in your ear as you crawled into bed after brushing your teeth and changing into one of her shirts and a pair off your pajamas.

"Goodnight, Lili."

"Goodnight, my love." She said, her breath fanning against your neck as she held you close and drifted off to sleep.

You tried to do the same but your mind was too busy.

You bit your lip as the tears stung your eyes. The hateful messages and comments kept playing through your mind, making you feel worthless.

As time passed, you laid awake while Lisa slept soundly.

She let you go as she rolled over onto her side, sleeping deeply.

You sat up against the pillows, your mind such a mess. You're not sure what's come over you. You're just overwhelmed and not thinking right.

But leaving still felt like the best option.

Lisa is receiving some negativity here and there as well and you hate knowing that it's all because of you. She deserves better and you can't help but think if you weren't in the picture anymore that maybe things would calm down and get better.

You slowly slipped out of bed, your eyes on your sleeping girlfriend the entire time. She was still sound asleep, even as you grabbed a couple of your bags and packed them with your clothes. Even as you grabbed your phone and even as you left the room, the floorboard creaking beneath your feet.

Your vision was blurred with tears, your heart aching with every step that you took.

This wasn't easy for you. It hurt. A lot.

But you were only trying to make things better. Your mind was full of endless what-if's as far as your relationship went and as hard as it was, you felt like it was all you could do.

It was going to be the hardest thing you'd ever have to do, but you felt as though you needed to let her go.

You put on your shoes and opened the door, looking around the house once more before heading outside and closing the door behind you, unsure of what to do and where to go now.

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