she gets jealous of how close you are to another member (requested)

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You couldn't control the bright smile that stayed on your lips as you closed the front door after waving goodbye to Jisoo and watching her pull out of the driveway.

You had such a great day! Since Lisa had a busy morning, you decided to spend it with Jisoo. You had such a wonderful time and your smile has yet to fade.

That was, however, until you walked further into your shared home with Lisa and saw her standing at the counter. There were two plates of food on the table; both full of what was now cold food.

Your girlfriend stared at you wordlessly before her teeth sank into her lip. She looked upset. Her eyes were full of anger instead of the stars that they usually hold when she sees you.

"Did I forget something?"

"No." She mumbled. "Just thought you only went out for a few minutes and be home soon and I'd surprise you with this new recipe I've worked hard on making because I knew you'd love it. I called you a few times but you never answered me."

"Oh." You spoke sadly and breathed out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't hear my phone. I was out with-"

"Jisoo? Yeah, I know. I found it out because a fan caught you two out and about a little while before you got home. Not to mention, you've been spending so much time with her lately! It's almost like you spend more time with her than you do me."

You frowned as you shrugged off your jacket.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's like you'd rather hang out with her than me! When we had that dinner with the girls last night, you said more to Jisoo than you did to me. You spend more time with her than me! It's not fair." She mumbled and stared at her hands that rested on the countertop.

"Lisa," you sighed and stepped around the counter to stand in front of her. "Jisoo is my friend. I'm close with Jennie and Rosie, too, but Jisoo is like my best friend... after you. You're my ultimate best friend."

She cracked a small smile at you then stared down at her hands again.

"You don't have to be jealous, Lili."

She scoffed and shook her head before folding her arms over her chest.

"I am so not jealous." She defended, but she was lying, obviously.

"You are." You corrected and looked a little amused when you watched her eyebrows pinch together in a frown. "It's kinda cute, though."

She put her arm around you to pull you closer with a sigh.

"I'm all yours. Okay? There's nothing to be jealous about. I just hung out with her today because I knew you'd be busy in the morning. I got carried away and lost track of time. Sorry I didn't come home earlier. But I'm here with you now and I know the dinner is cold but it smells amazing."

She bit her lip before she let it go and began to smile.

"I worked hard on it because I hoped that you'd like it. Want me to heat it up? We'll have dinner together?" She offered and you looped your arms around her neck to hold her close.

"Only if we cuddle and watch movies while we eat."

"Sounds perfect," She said before giving you a long but sweet kiss.

"And I think we should cuddle and watch some more movies together tomorrow since we both have the day off. Sound good?"

Her eyes lit up before she nodded happily.

"I'm sorry I got jealous, by the way. I know you're close with Jisoo and I love how well you get along with her and the girls. But-"

"You miss me?"

She nodded as her cheeks heated up and you giggled before stealing a few kisses from her lips.

"Don't worry, baby, I've missed you too. Which is why we need to spend some time together. Heat up the food so we can cuddle!'

She quickly did just that as you grabbed the blanket from over the sofa and got it ready for the two of you to curl up with, as well as a movie for you to watch together, as well as a few lined up after that.

Because this was your night with your girl and you looked forward to every second spent in her arms.

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