finding out that you're a good dancer (requested)

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"Lisa?" You called out as you closed the door to the practice room behind you.

Across the room, at the sound of your voice, Lisa's head lifted up.

She was staring down at her phone, scrolling through social media as she gulped down some water with the girls around her.

"Hey, baby." She smiled and put both her phone and water bottle down on the floor before standing up and walking to you. "What are you doing here? I didn't expect for you to come visit me."

She pulled you into her arms and kissed your lips softly.

"But I'm not complaining." She added, smirking as she ran her hand along your back and felt her stresses fade away as you held onto her.

"I missed you. I know you usually take a break around this time, so I figured I'd drop by and see how you're doing. How's practice coming along?"

"Good." She replied. "Getting the dance down for this song pretty quickly."

"You always do. You're so talented." You complimented and her eyes lit up over your words.

You couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked. You know she'll probably argue with you because she's only in a pair of sweats and a cropped top.

But she's beautiful in every way, taking your breath away every single day, and you're finding her awfully irresistible right now.

"Got anything to do, baby?" She asked and you shook your head. "Good. How about I teach you a dance?"

The girls seemed to like the idea of that. They quickly supported Lisa's suggestion by cheering and you shyly shrugged your shoulders.

"I don't know, Lili. I don't think I'm good enough for that."

"Hush." She whispered softly as she brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. "You're perfect to me. Besides, how are you going to know if you never even try?"

"You've got a good teacher, y/n. There's no one more patient or less judgmental than Lisa." Jennie said, encouraging you.

"You know I'd never judge you if you feel like you're not good at it. I promise. I just want you to try. Just let loose, let the music carry you."

You sighed nervously but agreed nonetheless.

She was gonna teach you the dance to as if it's your last. She promised it wasn't that hard and although you were hesitant, you trusted her and followed her lead.

But she was shocked to see that on your first attempt, you nailed every single move perfectly. You didn't miss a step and, needless to say, your girlfriend and the girls were absolutely shocked.

"Y/N," Lisa spoke in awe, her smile bright as you turned to look at her. "You're so good!"

"Really? You think so?"

"She's not lying at all. You've got a talent for dancing and you're a fast learner like your girlfriend there." Jisoo smiled as Lili proudly pulled you in for a hug.

"Wanna do more?" She asked. "We have a little time to waste before we have to get back to practicing."

"Only on one condition." You answered and Lisa eagerly anticipated your response. "You have to help me learn the dance to how you like that. It's one of my favorites."

"Happily." She grinned and kissed you passionately before she started to teach you the routine and you, yet again, picked up on it quickly.

Lisa was amazed by you, switching from just blackpink dances to simply dancing with you to some of your favorite songs.

You left the girls in awe and Lisa could just smile proudly, knowing you have quite the talent that she'd have to find a way to help you share with the world.

Because you're incredibly talented and Lisa wanted everyone to see you shine as brightly as she gets to.

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