you get in an accident

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Lisa nervously paced around the hallway in the hospital.

The phone call she got just thirty minutes ago had her mind and heart racing. She was frantic and desperate for some good news but no one was giving her anything.

She slid against the wall and leaned her head back. She took a minute to catch her breath and tried to stop her mind from running like wild again, filling with only bad thoughts of why it was taking so long to hear anything.

A door suddenly opened from just across the hall. The doctor made his way over to Lisa. "Lisa, right?" Lisa worriedly nodded her head. She knows she's desperate to hear something but she could only hope that it was good news she was about to receive. She couldn't brace herself for bad news and she wasn't ready to picture her future without you there by her side.

And thankfully, she didn't have to.

The doctor sat down beside her. "Your girlfriend is gonna be alright. She had some serious cuts that required some stitches and she broke her leg, fractured a couple of ribs. I think she's gonna have whiplash too from the force of how quickly her car came to a stop but-"

"But she'll be okay?" She asked tearfully.

"She's gonna be just fine. It's gonna take some time for her to heal, but she's gonna make it through. She's a tough girl."

Lisa cracked a tearful smile. "She definitely is. Can I see her? Please?" The doctor pointed to the door with a smile. "Absolutely. She's awake and she's asked about you. I think she needs you as badly as you need her right now."

Lisa stood up and went to the door. She took a deep breath before opening it.

She rushed to you as fast as her feet would carry her. She took your hand and immediately brought it up to her lips. "You're okay. I'm so happy that you're okay." She mumbled and carefully dropped your hand to brush her fingers through your hair.

She saw a few stitches across your forehead and she could see the air cast on your leg. "Oh, baby. Are you okay? What happened?"

You swallowed thickly. "I don't remember exactly. It was getting dark and I just remember someone rear-ending my car." She nodded. "You scared me so badly."

You weakly took her hand and squeezed it a little. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm happy that you're okay. I mean, you've got a few injuries but nothing too terrible. We can work through this together." She said, laying her head on yours. "You're not hurting, are you?"

"No. They gave me some stuff to help with the pain. I'm alright, Lisa. I promise."

Lisa was in awe of your strength now more than ever before. She rubbed her hand along your arm comfortingly. You looked tired but you seemed to be fighting it. "Go to sleep, y/n. I'm here now and I won't go anywhere."

You closed your eyes as she took your hand. Bringing it to her lips once more, she kissed it softly and mumbled against it. "I love you, so so much, y/n."

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now