over - part two (requested)

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Lisa put the car into park and lifted her head to look at the house she was in front of.

It's been so long since she's last been here, at your house.

The place where she shared many memories with you over the course of your relationship.

There's one particular one she's trying hard to forget and that's the last one she had, where she ended things with you.

You were right to slam that door in her face and you were right when you reminded her about how things had ended the last time she was with the girl she'd gone back to.

She realized how big of a mistake she made when her relationship with this ex turned sour once more and now, she's here at your house, hoping to talk and rekindle things with you because she realizes just how much she messed up when she let you go.

She saw your car in the driveway, right ahead of hers, so she knew you were home.

She got out of the car and closed the door behind her before she slowly, and nervously, walked up the steps of your front porch.

She reached out to knock on the door but for a moment, she let it hover there as she attempted to think of what to say to try and make you understand just how much she regretted letting you go and how foolish she felt for ever thinking her ex was better than you.

A moment later, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes before knocking on the door.

She opened her eyes when she heard the door open and she parted her lips to speak, thinking she'd find you at the door.

But... it wasn't you.

"Jisoo?" She questioned as she stared at her friend in shock.

"Lisa? What are you doing here?"

"Me? What are you doing here?" Lisa asked, returning the question to her friend.

Before Jisoo could say anything, a voice was calling out for her.

"Jisoo? Baby? Who is it?"

It was you.

That was your voice Lisa heard.

At first, she breathed out a small sigh.

It was so nice and so refreshing to hear your voice.

She loved the sound of your voice and how softspoken and sweet you are when you talk. It was one of the many things she loved about you.

She couldn't explain why, but the sound of your voice when you speak brought her immense comfort.

But the relief and happiness she once felt quickly faded when she realized what you had said.

What did you call Jisoo? Baby? Why would you call her that?

"I don't know if you want to know," Jisoo softly spoke to you.

"What? Why?" You asked and appeared at Jisoo's side, furrowing your eyebrows as you kept your eyes locked with her beautiful brown ones.

Jisoo didn't say a word. She just nodded towards Lisa, who still stood at the door in complete shock as to what was happening in front of her own two eyes.

And for the first time in several weeks, your eyes met Lisa's.

But the look on your face was the opposite of what she hoped to see.

You looked disappointed, almost offended by her standing outside your door.

"What is going on?" Lisa asked before you could say anything. "Why are you here? Why is she calling you 'baby'?" She asked Jisoo as she looked between the two of you.

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