she comes over to take care of you when you're sick

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Your eyes flew open when you heard the sound of your ringtone. You laid your warm cheek back on your pillow while trying to find the will to reach for it.

You'd finally fallen into a deep sleep after being sick throughout the night. You felt so miserable, your muscles ached and your stomach still felt funny, and had your phone not gone off, you would've slept the day away.

You felt around it for it on the bed until you felt it against your fingertips. You saw it was Lisa and your sadness and frustration faded upon seeing her name on the screen.

"Hello?" You mumbled but began to cough into your elbow straight after as a tickle started to spread in your throat.

"Hey, baby. Are you okay? I tried calling you a few minutes ago but you didn't answer and you don't sound all that great."

"I don't feel all that great, either." You mumbled. "I'm sick."

"What kind of sick, baby?" She asked worriedly. Though you couldn't see her face, you could practically see her forehead wrinkling with worry and her eyes going sad.

"The stomach flu, I think. But don't worry about me. I'm just catching up on some sleep." You knew telling her not to worry wouldn't lay her mind to rest any. But you've been with her for five months now and you know she always worries about you when she's not by your side. You wanted to at least try to ease her worries.

"Okay." She sighed. "I'm done with my parts in the studio for the day so I'll be over in a little while, okay? Love you. Get some rest."

Before you could say a word, she was hanging up, and with how miserable you felt you didn't have the energy to call her or text her and argue with her. Your eyes felt heavy, already slipping shut. Though you worried about getting her sick, you couldn't find it in you to feel bad about her coming over. You hate being alone when you're sick and you had to admit that your own mind would rest when she was there with you.

You soon drifted off to sleep. With your cheek resting back on your pillow and the blanket tight around your shoulders, you were ready to slip right back into a deep sleep again.

You only woke up when you felt the blanket being adjusted over you. Your eyes opened and you craned your neck to look back, finding Lisa fixing your blanket for you.


She lifted her head to look up at you, a small but sad smile appeared on her face when she saw you. "Hey, my love. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

You shook your head and slowly turned onto your back instead. It wasn't an easy task when your muscles felt so achy, but you did it in time. You dropped your head back against the pillow and closed your eyes. You felt Lisa lay her hand against your forehead and you could picture the frown on her face without even having to open your eyes to see it.

"You're burning up." She mumbled sadly before caressing your face. "You didn't call me?"

"Didn't want to bother you, and I don't have much energy at all. All I've been wanting to do is sleep."

She nodded and waited a moment before saying, "I got you a few things."

You opened your eyes, a small smile tugging at your lips for the first time all day. "You didn't have to."

"Please." She scoffed, caressing your cheek still. "You're sick, you needed these things. I got you some soup, a few cans. I want to make sure you have enough so I can stay here with you for the night without having to leave you to go out for more."

Though she was still talking, the rest of her words seemed to fade. She wanted to stay with you, to take care of you. It warmed your heart to think about.

"I got you some crackers, too. They're supposed to be easy on your stomach."

She leaned down and kissed your forehead lingeringly, pulling away to find your eyes looking soft and filled with adoration.

"Thank you. You're the sweetest. I don't know what I'd ever do without you."

"It's what I'm here for, y/n. To take care of you and help you to feel better. I'm here for you always." She promised, sealing it with one more kiss to your temple. "Are you hungry? I can make you some soup. Or if you're thirsty I can get you some water."

"I'm okay. I'll let you know if I need anything, I promise."

"You're sure? I wanna do something to help you feel a little better." She combed her fingers through your hair, brushing some locks away that clung to your clammy forehead.

"Well, in that case, if you want to I could use some cuddles from my baby."

She giggled happily and climbed into bed beside you. "Happily, baby." She whispered and started to play with your hair. You dropped your head to her shoulder and found comfort in her embrace as she wrapped you in her arms. "You look so miserable. I'm sorry, my love. I hope you feel better soon."

"Thank you." You mumbled sleepily. "And thank you for coming to take care of me. You said you're staying with me tonight?"

"I'm staying with you for as long as you need me. I promise. I'll be right here."

You nodded happily and felt her lips brush against your warm cheek afterward.

"Get some sleep. If you need anything or if you feel sick again, I'm right here to take care of you. I love you, darling. Have sweet dreams."

"Love you too," you mumbled as you drifted back into a deep and, hopefully, peaceful slumber.

Lisa kept an eye on you, making sure you didn't wrinkle your nose in discomfort or wake up suddenly in need of her. When a good forty minutes passed by of you remaining sound asleep, she let her eyes close and her head fall back onto the pillow to fall asleep, too. But she didn't let go of you, and she wouldn't until you felt better.

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