making out (requested)

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You could faintly hear the movie playing in the background, but you found it hard to focus on it when Lisa was pressing kisses across your neck.

You couldn't help the soft sigh that fell from your lips as she finally brushed her lips against that one sweet spot on your neck. You tilted your head back, feeling euphoric as your heart fluttered in your chest.

But Lisa pulled away from your neck and hooked her fingers under your chin to pull you in for a kiss on your lips instead. It took your breath away, causing your heart to beat harder and faster against your chest as she moved her lips intensely against your own.

She gently pushed you onto your back, causing you to fall against the sofa. She hovered over you and moved her fingers from under your chin to lay over your cheek, where they brushed in soft circles as her kisses grew deeper, needier.

It felt like fire was rushing through your veins, like electricity was moving all through your body from your head to your toes.

She moved her hand from your cheek down to your thighs, where they brushed in soft circles, then up to your hips where she squeezed them causing you to sigh softly once more against her lips.

She pulled away, but only after she tugged at your lip with her teeth to drive you wild. She kissed her way to your ear, leaning in to whisper,

"I've missed you."

You couldn't help but smile. She's been so busy lately; from things happening with the girls to doing youth with you to interviews and photo shoots and working on new things for her youtube channel - her schedule was so hectic.

But you support her through it all, knowing that moments like these will always come around sooner or later.

"You know I've been missing you, too."

She just smiled against your skin and continued her show of affection as she took her time loving on you.

But you craved the taste of her lips again and you suddenly decided to take control, managing to turn over so she was lying on her back. You laced your fingers through your hair, so close to her now that your heart was beating against her chest.

"Love you so much." You said against her lips. "Like crazy, Lili."

"love you more." She whispered and then tilted her head back as your fingers slipped beneath her shirt, brushing against her stomach in soft circles as you trailed kisses along her jaw and gently bit at her skin; leaving behind little marks to remind her of these moments for as long as they'd linger on her skin.

Usually, she'd stop you. After all, it's not exactly easy to cover up. But she was feeling euphoric tonight, melting into you after being away from you for so long and she didn't stop you from leaving those little love bites on her skin that she adores.

You moved to give her a few more passionate kisses before pulling away to let you both catch your breath for a second.

Her hand brushed along your back ever so gently, her eyes bright as they gazed into your dazzling ones.

"I really have missed you, baby girl." She said as she reached for your hands and intertwined your fingers together.

"Missed you too, Lili,"

You pecked her lips and laid your head on her chest to listen to the beat of her heart and bask in the inexpressible happiness and love you feel for her.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now