you fall asleep on her lap

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Despite your horrible day at work, you were still wanting to keep the promise of your movie night with Lisa. She's been busier than usual lately so your time with her is scarce and you didn't wanna lose out on a single moment with her, no matter how tired you are.

She had turned a movie on for the both of you. But your eyes were so heavy you could hardly recognize any of it. It didn't help that she was playing with your hair, which was just another way to lull you to sleep whenever you were tired.

You hummed as she leaned down to kiss your head. She leaned around and saw the dark circles underneath your eyes. With how much and how hard she works, she's no stranger to them. She couldn't help but chuckle over how you were trying desperately to keep them open, but she could tell you were quickly losing the fight.

"If you're tired then you can go to sleep. It's okay,
y/n, really."

You shook your head and reached for her hand that rested on your thigh. "No. I wanna stay awake. I wanna watch this with you." You mumbled. Your eyes were already closing though and it was getting difficult to find the strength to open them.

"I know. But we'll have another day to spend together very soon. I know you had a hard day so I want you to sleep. You deserve it." You sighed heavily and tilted your head back to stare up at her. "I'm still gonna be right here. Don't worry, it's okay. I won't go anywhere."

She brushed her thumb over your forehead and your eyes fluttered closed once again. And this time, you didn't even attempt to open them. You just sighed and got a little more comfortable with your head on her lap and your legs outstretched on the couch.

You felt a blanket being draped over you followed by a kiss on your forehead. "I love you. Sweet dreams." Lisa whispered against your skin and watched closely as your breathing grew steadier and you slowly drifted off to sleep, comfortably on her lap and in her embrace.

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