please don't go (requested)

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You ignored the screams from the few excited fans gathered in the airport as you and Lisa followed behind the girls, your hands intertwined.

You're clutching each other's hands hard, knowing that in just a few moments you'll be letting go for a while as she and the girls embark on a huge tour, their biggest yet.

It's not easy although you knew it was bound to happen at some point or another.

You knew with what she does, there'd be a day that she'd have to go away for a while and you probably wouldn't be able to join.

Just as you thought, she couldn't get the time away to go for even just a few days at the moment, and it's heartbreaking for the both of you.

The girls stopped walking for a moment. The gates weren't far and it wouldn't be long before they had to board the plane.

You planned to cherish every minute you've got left with Lisa, trying to not think about the fact that it'll feel like forever until you get to be wrapped in her embrace again.

She let go of your hand and pulled you into a hug instead. She laid her head on yours and fought back the tears she felt stinging her eyes as she held you.

It's the first tour she and the girls are going on since you got together.

Your relationship is so strong and so serious that it's very public and very well known that you're the one for each other. Even though you knew that you can handle anything together after everything you've gone through, you still worried about the distance and the time you'll spend apart.

"I wish I could tag along."

"I know. I wish you could too." She said. "But you have your own life and your own job that you love and I wouldn't ask you to sacrifice that just to come with the girls and me for a few weeks."

"I know." You sighed shakily. "We'll be okay, right?"

"Yes. Of course we will, my love. It's only a couple of months. Look at all we've been through so far. We can get through this too." She comforted as she pulled away from the hug.

She put her hands on your arms and brushed her fingers comfortingly across your skin.

You looked away from her big brown eyes and stared down at your feet, only looking back up at her when she put her fingers under your chin and lifted it up.

"What is it?"

"I don't want you to go." You confessed as the tears started to well up in your eyes. "Please don't go. I can't imagine being apart from you for so long."

"It won't be easy... but, baby girl, I have to go." She softly spoke. "It'll be okay. Time will fly by!"

"You think so?"

She sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

"I hope so. Because, truthfully, every day I spend away from you is going to be rough. Every bed I sleep in will be too cold and too big without you there in my arms. Every second I get to myself, I'll be thinking of you. It'll be hard being away from you for so long because I love you so much and you mean everything to me."

You put your cheek on her shoulder and sniffled as she put her arms around you and began to rub your back.

"Please don't go."

She closed her eyes as she put her chin on your head, biting at her lip to keep herself together.

"I have to." She whispered. "But it's not going to be long until we're here in this airport again, reuniting because I'm coming home so soon."

You didn't have the chance to say another world as Jisoo interrupted.

"We have to go." She sadly spoke to Lisa before giving you a quick hug and walking away to give you and Lisa another moment alone.

"I love you so much." She said as she cupped your cheeks. "Everything will be just fine."

You hung your head.

"I hate goodbyes, especially with you."

"It's only goodbye for now, baby. I'll be home before you know it." She said with a bright smile as she hid her sadness from you.

"I wish you didn't have to go. I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too." She said. "I have to get going. Give me a kiss, sweet girl."

You put your lips on hers for a sweet kiss while she brushed her thumbs across your skin, cherishing this loving moment with you.

When you pulled away, she gave you one more hug and kissed across your head.

"I love you. I'll call and video chat every chance I get, at least once a day, if not more."

"I look forward to it." You said and forced a smile. "I love you too."

She pecked your lips a couple of times before walking away with the girls, turning around to look at you with a sad smile before she boarded the plane.

She mouthed an 'I love you' and blew you a kiss before getting on the plane, taking off a couple of minutes later with the same hope you had - that time would fly by and she'd be home before you knew it.

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