"stop clinging to me" (requested)

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Your heart began to beat faster from excitement when you walked downstairs only a moment or two after waking up to find that Lisa was working from home today.

She sat in the kitchen with her laptop in front of her, her fingers quickly tapping on them as she typed things out.

She rarely ever has days like these so usually, you're both quite happy over it.

You originally came downstairs for some water but you decided that could wait so you could pay attention to your girlfriend instead.

You walked up and hugged her from behind. Brushing your lips across her neck, you peppered kisses along her soft skin.

Usually, she'd either pull you in for a sweet kiss or giggle and whisper words of love.

But today, she just pulled away from you. She grumbled something under her breath about being busy so you apologized before going to the fridge to get some cold water.

You returned to her side a moment later.

You wanted to make sure she was okay and that if she had any time to spare, you'd happily spend it with her.

You wanted to wish her a good day, steal a kiss or two from her lips, and tell her that you love her.

The last thing you ever want is to bother her.

You know how busy she is, how much she has on her plate, and you know she needs to focus on her work. Even working from home still means working and you don't want to annoy her.

You figured she'd be okay with giving you a kiss and hearing you say that you love her. She usually is.

But when you walked back up behind her and kissed her shoulder before pulling away, lips parting as you got ready to speak, she suddenly groaned in frustration and pushed at your hands to get you to let her go.

"Why can't you understand that I'm busy!?" She asked in frustration. "I said that when you first came up behind me to hug me and then you come right back to annoy and distract me again?"

Her words hurt; there was no denying that. You're sure she could tell considering your eyes looked sad as she continued to ramble.

"Stop clinging to me! You're being annoying." She grumbled.

"I just wanted to tell you to have a good day and that I love you." You spoke sadly. "I didn't mean to annoy you. I'm sorry, Lili."

You turned around and began to walk toward the stairs, but she got up and wrapped her arms around you to keep you from walking away.

"I'm sorry." She whispered in your ear.

"I'm sorry for annoying you."

"You're not annoying me. I'm just under a lot of stress and pressure right now and I just snapped at you for no reason. I didn't mean to yell or say those things to you."

"Thank you for apologizing." You said as you turned around to face her.

"I mean it. You're amazing. I'd love it if you come downstairs and cling to me more often today."

"Okay." You smiled. "I love you and hope you have a great day."

"Thank you, sweet girl." She said, her eyes lighting up. "I love you too."

You shared a few short but sweet kisses before she pulled you in for a long, comforting hug, promising that later on, she'll be sure to take some time away to spend with you and try to make up for yelling at you.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now