she learns asl to ask you out (requested)

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Lisa's head lifted as soon as she heard the door to the cafe open. She was sitting at a table for two, your favorite drink across from her that she ordered for you already.

She nervously bounced her knee and tried to shake the nervousness that she felt away as you walked to the table, opening your arms for her so you could share a quick hug.

She happily stood up and put her arms around you and she couldn't help the way her heart raced when she breathed in the smell of your perfume and felt your fingers brush across her back.

"I ordered your favorite!" She said as she moved her fingers, signing the words to you the best she could.

She's not fully there yet with her asl. There's a lot she still has to learn. She struggles a little and sometimes, she mixes her words up.

But for you, she's trying her absolute hardest.

In fact, she's spent the last few days practicing hard to sign a few special words to you.

It hasn't been easy and she's spent all of her free time doing it, as well as trying to work on signing other words, as well.

"Thank you." You smiled and sat down across the table from her.

Your eyes instantly locked with hers and her breath hitched upon seeing the sparkle inside your eyes, swearing she could get lost in them forever.

You met a few weeks ago through Rosie, who you've known for a little while now.

Rosé quickly explained to Lisa, as well as Jisoo and Jennie, that they've either got to sign to you or speak slowly enough to let you read their lips because you're deaf.

You have been your whole life and in order to communicate better with you, all three of them have learned asl and learned to get to know you more with Rosie's help, although Lisa is the one whose heart you've stolen, and you did from the moment you met.

"How have you been?" Lisa asked as she, once again, did her very best to sign the words to you.

"Good." You grinned. "And you?"

"Amazing." She said and you sipped on your drink, happy to know that she was doing well. "Thank you for meeting up here with me. I've been wanting to talk to you about something."

"Okay. Tell me whatever it is."

"I really like you, y/n. More than a friend. I think you're so beautiful and so smart and you've motivated me to learn new things, such as asl, and work so hard at it so I can improve on that."

Noticing that she was rambling and that her lips were moving almost too fast for you to read, you placed your hand over hers and gave it a squeeze.

The feeling of it made Lisa's heart skip a beat.

"I feel the same way, Lisa."

She breathed out a sigh of relief.

"You seem so nervous. Is confessing that to me the reason why?"

"Not exactly." She said before intertwining your fingers. "I've been working so hard on learning this so I hope I do it right."

You furrowed your eyebrows and watched as she began to sign something out to you.

"Would you like to go out on a date sometime?"

Any of the nerves she felt all faded as you smiled at her, bigger and brighter than she's seen since you first met.

"I would love to."

She didn't tell you but she was so excited about your answer that she felt like her heart might burst from her chest.


"Yes, y/n?" She signed.

"Just so you know, I like you more than I've ever liked anyone else before. It means a lot to me that you're learning asl so we can communicate better and I think it's the sweetest thing that you worked so hard on learning that question."

"I'm looking forward to learning even more as time goes by. I'm having so much fun practicing and learning it!"

That warmed your heart so much.

Because, as much as you wish you could, you'll never be able to hear her voice.

So knowing that she's working hard to talk to you better means a lot to you, as you've encountered people in your life that haven't been as interested in learning or trying to make it easier to communicate.

"I'm crazy about you." She said as she squeezed your hand.

"The feeling is mutual."

She kissed your knuckles lovingly and as she spent a little more time in the cafe with you, she learned more asl from you as you excitedly taught her some more words and phrases she hadn't been able to get around to just yet, and you could tell by the look in her eyes that she genuinely enjoyed every second of it.

It was a wonderful feeling and only made you fall even harder for her.

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