when she calls you by her last name (requested)

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"Lisa, slow down!" Jisoo shouted as she and the girls trailed behind your girlfriend, rushing through the sliding doors of the hospital.

Lisa didn't hear the words her friend called out, nor did she hear the ones that followed from Jennie and Rosie, which almost caused her to bump into a nurse's cart as she raced to the front desk with concern.

"Oh, hello," The nurse at the desk spoke. "Can I help you with something?"

"My girlfriend was admitted here a little while ago. She called and said that she fell and hurt her leg. Her friends brought her in."

The girls reached Lisa's side, trying to calm her down as she continued to panic about you and your injury, terrified that it might be serious and you were in an intense amount of pain; pain she wouldn't be able to take away from you.

"What's her name?"

"Y/N. Y/N Manobal." She said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Manobal?" The girls repeated at once as they stared at Lisa in surprise.

"I don't see a Y/N Manobal here." The nurse frowned.

"Oh, that's because I meant to say Y/N Y/L/N." Lisa said as she nervously cleared her throat.

"Oh," The nurse chuckled while Lisa's cheeks heated up in embarrassment.

If she's honest, that's not the first time she's called you by her last name.

But it is the first time she's done it in front of anyone.

She usually just says it to herself since she often envisions the day you'll tie the knot together.

She's only ever slipped up once, which was with Rosie when they were talking about yours' and Lisa's future, and it just slipped out.

To do it in front of Jennie and Jisoo and a complete stranger caused her to feel a little flustered.

"It's not the first time she's called Y/N by her last name," Rosé confessed, making Jennie and Jisoo tease Lisa playfully.

"Your girlfriend is going to be discharged soon. It looks like they did some x-rays of her ankle and it came back normal. It seems to be just a sprain. You can go back and see her if you'd like."

"All three of us?" Jennie asked with a big grin.

"Yeah." The nurse said and the girls got your room number before going through the doors and down the hall.

It took them a couple of minutes to find your room since they got a little lost going down the wrong halls in the huge hospital.

But they eventually found the room you were in.

And when the door opened, Lisa rushed to your side to grab your hand and wrap her fingers around yours.

"Lili," You breathed out in relief, so happy to feel her comforting touch and to see her soft eyes stare into yours.

"I was so worried about you!" She said before kissing your cheek a few times. "You're so lucky you only fell down a couple of steps and got a sprained ankle. It could've been so much worse, baby."

"I know." You said as you closed your eyes and laid your head on her shoulder. "It hurts and it was scary, but I'm okay."

She nodded and sent you a small smile as you opened your eyes and looked at her.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Jisoo worriedly asked from behind Lisa.

You looked away from Lisa and to the girls, who looked concerned and saddened by you being injured.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay. It's just a sprain."

"Well, no need to worry. I'm sure Lisa will be there to take care of you." Jennie grinned as she came over to your other side, bringing you in for a big but gentle hug.

"Well, I knew you'd be okay no matter what was going on. Y/N Manobal is quite a tough cookie." Rosie said and Lisa went wide-eyed upon hearing her last name slip from her friend's lips.

She should've known Rosé would eventually spill the beans that Lisa has called you by her last name not just once but twice.

It took a lot of convincing for her to keep Rosie from not saying anything in the first place.

Of course, it wasn't her telling you to be mean or anything of that sort.

It was just meant to be teasing and playful.

Besides, she knew it would  turn into a cute moment.

"Manobal?" You chuckled quietly. "Why are you calling me that?"

"Don't look at me that way." Rosie defended as she put her hands up. "Lisa called you that first. Twice, actually."

"What?" You asked as you looked away from Rosie's eyes and over to Lisa. "You called me by your last name two times?"

"She called you Y/N Manobal to the nurse." Jisoo giggled.

"It  just slipped out!" Lisa said as she covered her face in embarrassment.

"Lisa, why are you doing that?" You asked with a laugh falling from your lips before you pulled her hands away, taking them into yours.

"I don't know if it makes you uncomfortable at all." She quietly confessed.

"What? Why would it?" You asked with furrowed eyebrows. "I like the way it sounds."

Lisa looked into your eyes and a bright, precious smile tugged at her lips.

"Yeah? You do?"

"Yeah. In fact, I call myself by Manobal sometimes, too. I think about our future a lot and something about the way my name sounds with Manobal attached to it makes my heart skip a beat."

"I love it. It suits you." She said as she tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. "One day, it'll become official."

"Really?" You excitedly asked.

"Yeah. Soon."

"How soon?" You asked as you tried to hide the excitement you felt about becoming Lisa's wife someday soon, although it was just impossible.

"I don't know, darling. I want to propose to you someday. It could be tomorrow. It could be next week. It could be next month or next year. I guess you will just have to wait and see." She winked before giving you a kiss.

"I look forward to it." You spoke against her lips as she cupped your cheek in her hand.

Just thinking about your big and bright future with Lisa brought you an inexpressible amount of excitement and happiness.

You couldn't wait for the day that you'd officially become Y/N Manobal.

It was going to be the best day of your life.

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