practice makes perfect (requested)

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You opened the door just a crack to peek inside the girls' practice room, where Lisa was currently at. She's spent the last few hours in front of that mirror, with the same song on repeat as she tried to get the choreography down.

She's doing brilliantly, leaving you mesmerized by how insanely talented she is.

You stood there for a moment, simply admiring her. But as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other, you accidentally tapped the door with your foot and it creaked open a bit more.

The sound caused Lisa to look your way and you watched her eyes light up when she saw you.

"Hey," she said as she paused the music. "What are you doing here, baby?"

"Just figured I'd come and see how you're doing." You explained as you walked inside and closed the door behind you before making your way to her. "You've been so busy that you missed my texts that I sent just to check up on you."

She opened her arms for you and you quickly moved into them. She put her forehead onto yours, her bright eyes staring into yours before she closed them and leaned in to give you a kiss.

"I'm doing alright." She said as she brushed a lock of hair behind your ear.

"You're doing a great job, Lili. I know you work so hard to get everything down. It blows me away how talented you are."

She giggled happily before she moved her hands to your hips.

"How about you dance with me a little?"

Your eyes went wide and you shook your head.

"I'm not good at that-"

"It doesn't matter. It's just you and me. No one else is here and you know I'd never judge. I'll teach you some choreography to any song your heart desires."

You thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"I'd love to learn the choreography to how you like that."

"Yeah?' She smiled and kissed your cheek before turning the song on. She came up behind you, her arms tight around you as she told you what to do, moving with you.

"It's pretty easy."

"Says the girl that's been dancing for several years." You said, causing her to giggle and kiss your head.

"C'mon. We'll take it step by step." She said and helped you through it, keeping a grip on you as she moved along with you and told you what to do, step by step.

Although you couldn't do the entire thing, you managed to get a few parts of it down pat.

"See! Good job! I'm proud of you!" She smiled and brought you in for a kiss.

"It's not easy."

"No, but you're new to it. We'll do more, take it slow." She said as she combed her fingers through your hair, cracking a big smile as she noticed the gleam in your eyes. "What?"

You silenced her with a sweet kiss. She melted into it right away, finding herself moving her lips with yours in perfect sync.

"You're a really great teacher, Lili." You whispered against her lips. "Thanks for being so patient with me and helping me when I needed it."

"You're welcome." She said, gently brushing her hand along your back. "Tired?"


"Wanna dance more?"

"Only if you teach me the dance to don't know what to do."

She stood behind you again, arms wrapping around your waist as she hugged you from behind.

"Happily. Don't overthink it, y/n. Just let go and have a good time. Don't pressure yourself. You're not gonna be perfect right off the bat, but practice makes perfect and I'm more than happy to dance with you anytime."

Her comforting and encouraging words helped you to let loose a little more. You found yourself doing a little better as she guided you through it, even pulling away to show you what to do as she encouraged you to follow her lead.

Time passed by as you worked through the dances together. Soon, it was nearing midnight and you were both exhausted and decided to call it a night.

"C'mon. We'll go home, take a shower, and cuddle before we go to sleep." She said and grabbed her things before taking your hand and leading you to the door.

"Can we do more tomorrow?"

She giggled but kissed you before nodding happily.

"Sounds like the perfect way to spend the day to me." She said and swung your hands back and forth as you got into the car and looked forward to the day ahead.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now