kissing you mid-sentence

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You sat on the couch with your favorite book in your hands. You've lost count of how many times you've read it already, but you're trying to pass the time that is seeming to drag by without Lisa by your side.

She'd had the last few days off and you spent every minute by her side. So without hearing her laugh and being in her arms, it feels as though the day is dragging by.

You turned the page, ready to go onto the next chapter when your phone started to ring. You picked it up and saw that it was Lisa. Knowing she's supposed to be busy with dance practice today, you felt a little worried as to why she might be calling.

"Lisa? Hey, baby. How's it going?"

You expected to hear her cheerful voice in return. You figured she just caught a break and decided to call you.

But then you heard what sounded like a sniffle and your heart started to sink a little.


"Yeah, I'm here, baby. I'm sorry, I just miss you. It's been such a long and grueling day. I'm so tired and I guess, after spending so much time with you, it feels a little weird trying to get back into the usual hectic routine." She sighed, pausing for a second before whispering softly, "I just wanted to hear your voice."

"It's alright, baby. I'm always happy to talk with you. I know it's hard sometimes but it's just a few more hours then you'll be home."

"I know." She mumbled sadly. "I gotta get back to work. I love you. Can't wait to see you later."

"Love you too." You said before she hung up and left you with an ache in your heart. You weren't interested in your book anymore. Not after knowing she was having a hard day today.

Looking at the time, you saw it was only a little after eleven am and since she was working hard already, you didn't know if or when she'd catch a break to go get some food.

You knew what would make her feel better; her favorite food. You went into the kitchen and gathered up all the ingredients you'd need for it before you got to work to finish it as quickly as you could.

It took a little while before you were able to get it made and put it into a container that would keep it hot for a bit. You grabbed your phone and your keys before heading out the door.

As soon as you opened the door you heard the music blaring. The girls' backs were facing you and you took a moment to gaze at your girlfriend.

She was working hard; but that wasn't anything new. She's the most hardworking person that you know, always pouring out her heart and soul into everything she does.

But you knew she must be getting tired. So it made you happy to know that she'd had her favorite food whenever she was ready to eat.

You didn't wanna bother her or the girls and risk interrupting them. So you simply put the food on the floor near the wall and left a little note for her before you looked back at her then slipped out the door unnoticed.

It was nearly twenty minutes later when the girls managed to catch a break. Panting and sweating and turning to grab some water, they were all caught by surprise to find the container of food against the wall.

"Who's that from?" Jennie asked as she sipped in some water from her water bottle. Lisa knelt on the floor and picked up the note and she nearly shed a tear at what she read.

"It's from Y/N. I called her a bit ago, kinda told her that I wasn't exactly having a great day so far. Told her I missed her and so she must've brought this in when we were practicing." She explained while feeling her heart swelling in her chest.

"What's the note say?" Rosé asked curiously.

"I made your favorite. Hope it makes your day at least a little bit better. Can't wait to see you when you get home. I love you lots."

The girls all cooed while Lisa just held the note close to her chest and thanked the universe for you.

Lisa took a few minutes to eat some of the food while the girls just sat around to catch their breath and rehydrate and tell a few jokes to ease everyone's mood.

It felt like an eternity before the day ended, but it was only four long and tiring hours. But Lisa was in a better mood for the remainder of the day. Although, she practically ran out the door when the day was over.

She was so excited to see you and all she wanted was to hold you in her arms and never let you go. Not just because she missed you, but because by surprising her with her favorite food you turned her whole day around; and she knew that you knew it would.

She shouldn't have been surprised to see you with your book in your hands when she entered the house, but it was yet another thing that brought a smile to her face.

"Hey, baby! How was your day?" You asked as she sat beside you on the couch.

"Not good at first. But then, I saw that you brought me my favorite for lunch and it made my day so much better."

Your eyes lit up and hers did the same at the sight. She took ahold of your hand and you squeezed hers and if it was even possible, her heart seemed to swell with even more love for you.

"Yeah? That's good, baby. I'm so happy to hear that. It made me sad to hear you so down and I know how much you love that and I just wanted to make you happy and,"

You were cut off by her lips on yours. You were a little surprised at first but quickly melted into her kiss. You moved your lips in perfect sync with hers and you could feel your pulse racing as she poured out every ounce of love for you that she felt.

She pulled away slowly but kept her forehead against yours. "You make me happy. I feel like the luckiest girl to have you, to get to call you mine. You doing that for me made me fall even more in love with you."

You beamed at her before leaning in to kiss her again. A little more passionately this time than before, but still oh so loving.

"I'd do it again and again for you. I love you."

"I love you more, Y/N."

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