you give her the silent treatment (requested)

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"Y/n?" Lisa called out from the other side of the door. Her voice was quiet and soft, like the sound of her hand on the door as she knocked again and again. "Y/n, I know you're mad at me. I get it. You have every right to be. I just want to talk this out."

It seemed like she said everything she wanted to say downstairs. Tonight is date night and it's not the first one that she's missed.

Her schedule gets in the way, her mind so busy with all the important things she has to get done that she forgets about your date.

You know she'd never do it purposely, but it didn't make the ache in your heart any better. Especially when she snaps at you for being so upset like she'd done moments ago downstairs.

You took her by surprise by simply storming up to your shared room without a word. You can't seem to get your point across with your words, so you took the next step and decided that your actions spoke louder than your words ever could.

You kept the door unlocked. You knew it was only a matter of time until she realized she was wrong. She does. She promises to make things right. But then, each time, your date gets ruined by it slipping from her mind or her saying she can't escape the work YG puts on the girls.

You understood and it's not like she forgets every single date. She doesn't. She's still your girl, she still loves you so much, she stills shows up when she can.

But still... it hurts, especially when your time together is limited and you miss her so much.

And just as you thought she would, she grew tired of knocking and turned the handle on the door. It opened and she saw you sat on the foot of the bed. You didn't say a word, not even as she took a seat beside you.

She needed to hold your hand. She wanted to talk to you, tell you how much she's been kicking herself for breaking your heart. But as she reached for your hand, you pulled away. You even scooted to the edge of the bed, so she couldn't lay her hand on your thigh and so you wouldn't melt into her touch like you really want to do.

"I'm so sorry." She spoke softly and you could feel her eyes on you as you stared at your feet on the floor. "Not just for forgetting... again. But for getting upset with you. You had every right to be mad, to feel hurt. I know I probably made you feel worse for saying that I'm just too busy and that you just don't understand...because at the end of the day, even though you don't experience the things I go through first-hand, you still understand more than others around me do. You're amazing like that. So amazing."

You swallowed thickly, trying to swallow the lump in your throat.

"I didn't hear you out and that was wrong of me so... I want to. I will. I'll hear every word you have to say. You can talk to me, baby,"

You didn't though. You didn't feel like you could. So, you stayed silent. You blinked away the tears threatening to fall as you began to feel overwhelmed, your brain filled with thoughts of everything you so desperately want to say. But you don't feel heard, sometimes. So... what was the point?

"You're ignoring me..." she paused, a shaky sigh falling from her lips as she took a deep breath. "I deserve it."

She did.

"I can't imagine how hurt you feel. For me forgetting, for canceling plans with you when I want more than anything to crawl into your arms and for you to hold me and let me hold you. You deserve that. You deserve the whole world. You deserve more than me only making it to a few dates and not every one of them when you go so far out of your way to plan them out to be so incredible."

You bit your lip and looked anywhere but at her as your vision blurred from the tears welling up in your eyes.

"All I want is you..." you said, voice so quiet you wondered if she even heard you.

But she did.

Loud and clear.

She heard the fragileness behind your voice, how it cracked, and how you were beginning to cry, just a touch, from feeling so overwhelmed.

"You know how much I love you, Lisa. I always support you. I knew before we even started dating, that there'd be times like these. Where you'd forget dates because you're so busy or that you just can't make it. That you'd leave for tour, that we'd be apart. But... I didn't think I'd feel like this. Like I'm living all on my own again. This house, our house, feels so empty sometimes... and so do I."

She nodded sadly, wanting to tell you how much her heart was breaking and how sorry she truly felt. But you needed to be heard. You needed to let out your thoughts and your worries and your own heartbreak. You deserved that.

"This isn't the first date you've forgotten. I know it's not intentional. I know you don't mean to. I know how much you love me, believe me, I do and I love you so much, too. But it still hurts me. And today, you just... got upset with me for feeling so hurt. Do you know how hard that was on me?"

"I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how you feel." She mumbled and slowly reached for your hand.

She was relieved when you met her halfway and put your hand over hers. She even cracked a little smile. She just couldn't help it.

"I know you won't believe me, but I feel just as hurt. When I have no choice but to back out. When I forget and I see that look in your eyes. I know it breaks your heart and it does mine, too."

You finally looked at her, finally locked your teary eyes with hers.

"I love you so much. I can't imagine my life without you. You're so supportive, so kind, so loving. You love me for who I am. You see a part of me no one else either bothers to see or can't see because they don't know me the way you do. Sometimes, I worry that you'll leave."

You bit the inside of your cheek, unsure of what to say in response.

"And I do think, at times, that you deserve better. Look at how amazing you are. How much you love, how hard you love people,"

"I only love you." You assured, squeezing her hand tightly. "Which is why it hurts me so much. I know how much you love what you do and I'm happy for you, I am so happy for you, so proud of you. But... I miss you."

"I miss you too." She cried.

"And our dates are so important to me because I miss our time together." You spoke, lip wobbling as you poured out your heart to her.

"I miss it too. So much."

You didn't say a word, simply dropped your cheek to her shoulder and let her put her arm around you to pull you close.

"I'm gonna make it up to you. I'm overwhelmed, I need a day off. I-I'll fake sick if I have to. I don't care. I'm taking tomorrow off and I'm gonna spoil you. I'm gonna hold you in my arms all day and we'll watch all of your favorite movies. We'll cuddle, we'll order takeout. We'll talk about a future trip together, just the two of us. I want to make it up to you. I'll do anything. I swear it!"

You turned to her and cupped her cheeks in your hands. Without a word, you leaned in and laid a soft kiss on her lips.

"I'd love that."

"Me too. It's settled then. Just you and me tomorrow. No exceptions. No change of plans. No matter what. Just us, all day. With all the cuddles and kisses and food your big, beautiful heart desires."

Your tears were gone, your smile present now, and it made her so happy to see.

"And I promise no more forgetting. No more canceling because something comes up. Things are gonna change. I'll do whatever I have to do to make things better between us. Because you're all that matters to me at the end of the day. I just want you. Only you."

"I love you, Lisa." You whispered and laid your head on her chest, smiling a little as she put her arms around you and hugged you closer and tighter than ever before.

"I love you more. So much more, y/n. This is only the beginning. I'm gonna make things better, I promise."

And you know that when she's so serious, so sincere, when she promises you something like she's doing right now, she never breaks them.

Things were gonna be better. You're gonna have your girl back. She's gonna make it right, no matter what.

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