you're scared of needles (requested)

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"Babe? Come on, we can't be late for your appointment." Lisa said as she walked back into the bedroom to find you sat on the foot of the bed. You were fidgeting nervously with your fingers, staring at your feet on the floor. She let out a sigh and walked to you.

Kneeling on the floor in front of you she placed her hand on your thigh. "I know you're scared but we gotta go, baby."

"I don't want to. I hate needles."

"I do too!" Lisa chuckled, brushing her fingers along your skin soothingly. "But you don't need to be afraid. Because I'm gonna be right there with you. Okay? I promise that you can hold my hand and I'll talk you through it if it'll make you feel better."

"Okay." You agreed, mostly because you knew there was no way you were gonna get out of this. You really needed this vaccine and though you were afraid, you knew it needed to be done.

So you let her take your hand and lead you out of the house. The twenty-minute ride was uneventful, mostly consisting of you bouncing your knee nervously and Lisa trying to take your mind off of things by playing your favorite songs or laying her hand on your thigh for comfort.

You arrived at the doctor's office, checking right in and then taking a seat to wait for your name to be called. It was a brutal wait, every second for you even more nerve-racking than the last. But when your name was called Lisa was getting up and taking your hand, dragging you out of the chair and through the door.

"Don't fight me on this. You need to get this shot so you don't get sick!" Lisa spoke softly as she placed her hand on the small of your back and walked down the hall with you.

"Take a seat up there," the nurse said, nodding to the uncomfortable chair. You took a seat, back resting against the wall. You watched the nurse fill out a couple of papers and as your nerves grew, you tried to get up.

"It's taking too long. We should just go and come back some other time."

Lisa laughed and put her hand on your shoulder, ensuring that you couldn't move off of the chair. You pouted and folded your arms over your chest.

"It'll be alright, baby girl."

You saw the nurse coming closer, needle in her hand. You whined and took ahold of Lisa's hand suddenly, squeezing it as tight as you could.

"You've got quite the grip, baby." She teased, using her other hand to rub your shoulder. She didn't dare look at the needle herself, simply staring at you instead.

You jumped when the wipe was brushed along your arm.

"It's gonna be okay." Lisa soothed, brushing her thumb along your knuckles. Your eyes were wide, a look of fear in them as you stared into her eyes.

The nurse flicked the needle a couple of times and you jumped when she got closer.

"It's okay, y/n. Keep looking right at me. I'm right here, I've got you."

You squeezed your eyes shut, scrunching your nose up as the needle touched your skin. Just as fast it happened, it was done just as quickly.

"All done, baby," Lisa said with a smile. "I'm proud of you!"

"Neither of us passed out, so that's good, right?" You asked, teasing a little. She tickled your side after the bandage was placed over the spot then took your hand to let you hop down from the chair.

"Okay. How does lunch at your favorite spot sound, my girl?"

"I'd love that!" You smiled and placed your head on her shoulder, thanking the nurse before walking out of the room and then out the door. "Thanks for being by my side. I appreciate it."

"Only for you." She said, kissing your head. "It's all done and over with and I'm proud of you. Now, c'mon, to lunch we go. My treat."

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