take your medicine (requested)

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You let out a blissful hum as Lisa brushed her cool fingers against your forehead. You slowly opened your heavy eyes to find her staring at you.

Even though her eyes were full of worry, she still sent you a sweet smile. It was nice to see you awake. You've been sleeping most of the day. Not just today, but the last couple of days too. She understands, considering you have the flu.

She was so concerned last night that she took you to the emergency room, where they diagnosed you and told Lisa how she can help you feel better soon.

Which leads you to now. The time has rolled around once more. She knew from the sound of the alarm on her watch that she has set for every six hours.

"Hey, baby girl." She smiled and brushed back a few strands of hair that clung to your forehead. "I'm happy to see you awake because it's time for your medicine again."

"No," you whined and tried your very best to roll over, wanting to keep your mouth closed and bury your face in the pillow to get away from that terrible flu medicine, but that was much easier said than done considering how badly your body ached. "Not again."

"Baby, how do you expect to get better if you don't take your medicine?"

"I don't know. Luck, maybe?"

She shook her head and you pouted as she grabbed the medicine bottle.

"C'mon, just two capfuls and then you're done for another six hours."

You shook your head, crinkling your nose as you watched her pour the liquid into the cap. It looked disgusting and, somehow, it tastes even worse. Of course, with your luck, you struggle to taste most things but the medicine is so strong, so terrible tasting, that you still manage to taste the icky liquid on your tongue.

"Alright, open up." She said as she moved the cap to your mouth, only for you to shake your head again and turn your face to the other side. "Y/N," she giggled. "It's not that bad."

"It is!" You argued.

"Okay, well, you still need to take it."

You shook your head and she sighed.

"What do I have to do to get you to take this? Please, baby. I need you to take it. I hate seeing you so sick and this is going to help you feel so much better."

You turned your face to look at her, but you still refused to open your mouth for her to pour the medicine in.

"Fine. You give me no choice. You say my cuddles help you feel better, huh?"

You quickly nodded your head. Of course her cuddles help. They're your cure for everything. Her arms are so warm, so secure, so comforting. It's your safe place, especially in times like these.

"Well, if you don't take your medicine then I won't cuddle you."

You pouted and watched her smirk, knowing she'd won with that threat.

"Fine." You grumbled and opened your mouth to let her pour the medicine in. You swallowed it down, but not happily. You crinkled your nose and she giggled.

"Alright, good girl, baby. One more capful."

You groaned but took it down and she smiled in satisfaction.

"Thank you." She spoke softly and kissed your forehead. "Make sure you drink your water."

You nodded and took a few sips before laying back down.

"I did what you asked, now give me cuddles." You demanded, although adorably, and Lisa happily obliged.

She giggled as she laid down and let you curl up in her arms before she tangled her legs with yours. She kissed across your head and played with your hair.

"I love you so much. You know that, right? It means a lot to see you taking your medicine because it's going to make you feel better soon and I want you to feel better as soon as possible because I hate seeing you so sick."

"I know." You mumbled. "Thank you for taking good care of me and for being here for me."

"Always, sweet girl." She smiled and kissed your head once more, lingeringly. "Now get some sleep. I love you lots. I'll be right here if you need anything."

"I know you will be." You said, managing to crack a smile as you drifted off to sleep, grateful that you have her right there through it all. "I love you too."

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now