you're sick

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As soon as you woke up you realized just how sick you felt.

Your stomach was turning, your shirt was damp from how much you've been sweating, your skin felt hot and sticky, and you felt so nauseous you could hardly move.

You whimpered out quietly. Lisa was sleeping next to you and knowing you're only mere minutes, or seconds, away from getting sick you tried to get out of bed and go inside the bathroom as quietly as possible.

But it didn't work out as you planned because as soon as you sat up you felt the bile rising on your throat. You untangled your legs from the blanket and accidentally pulled it off of Lisa, causing her to wake up just as you ran into the bathroom.

She heard the terrible sound of you throwing up and was rushing in there to be with you right away. She knelt on the floor behind you and pulled your hair back. "Oh, y/n," she mumbled softly as you continued to be sick into the toilet.

She could feel how soaked your shirt was. She could tell you had a fever as she reached around and placed her hand on your forehead. She bit at her lip nervously, trying her best to coax you through this. "It's okay, y/n. Just let it all out."

You finally stopped a couple of minutes later and laid your head down on your forearm. She reached around and flushed the toilet for you before her hands rubbed at your shoulders comfortingly. "I feel so sick."

Lisa felt a lump form in her throat. She's never seen you like this before. Sure, you've been sick with things like a cold, but never this sick. She knew you probably had the flu. It was going around, after all.

"Do you think you can make it back to bed?" She whispered and watched you turn your head slowly.

"Not on my own."

She shook her head at you. "You're not alone. I'm here and I'll help you. I'll get you whatever you need." You stood up slowly on your shaky legs. They felt weak, almost like jelly as you walked with Lisa to the sink.

She held you up as you brushed your teeth to rid the nasty taste out of your mouth before she helped you back to bed. You laid down and closed your eyes but opened them again when her hand stroked your arm. "I've got you a fresh and clean shirt."

She smiled softly and even though you felt absolutely miserable, you still cracked a small one back at her. She helped you sit up and helped you out of your shirt and into the clean one. She then helped you lay back down and moved quietly throughout the room to get you a few things.

She put a couple of pills down on the nightstand with a glass of water for you to take since they'd help with your fever. She put a bucket down by your side of the bed and when you shivered she pulled the blankets to your shoulders, making sure you were warm and cozy underneath them.

She laid back down beside you and started to rub your back. "I'm sorry you feel so terrible. I hope you feel better soon." She said as she kissed your head and tucked a hair behind your ear. "I love you. If you need anything let me know. I'll be right here."

She closed her eyes, but smiled when you whispered something back to her,

"I love you more."

She then kissed your head softly and soon fell asleep with you, hoping you'd get some sleep and wake up feeling better.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now