fighting in front of the girls (requested)

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You placed another one of Lisa's shirts into the suitcase just as the front door opened and closed downstairs.

Seeing that you've been packing for your vacation with Lisa, which you both leave for tomorrow afternoon, you decided it was a good time to take a break and go greet your girl with a hug, which you know she probably really needs after her busy day.

You rushed down the stairs and saw that she had brought the girls along, which wasn't a big deal at all.

You walked up to Lisa and put your arms around her, giving her the biggest hug that you possibly could.

She put her arms around you to hug you back and laid a few kisses on the crown of your head before you pulled away.

"How was your day?"

"Good." She smiled tiredly. "Thank you for asking."

"No problem, my love. I packed up a few of your things while you were gone today, so it's less for you to have to do because I know you must be exhausted."

"Oh, yeah, about that, baby." She started to say and your heart sank right away. "I think we might have to reschedule."

"What? Why?"

"Well, some things have come up and I don't think I can miss them." She said and reached out to brush her fingertips along your arms soothingly.

"But... we've rescheduled this trip a couple of times already. I thought that you said nothing would come up this time." You explained, the sadness you felt evident in your voice.

Lisa didn't react the way you thought she would. She just sighed heavily and folded her arms over her chest.

"I know. But you also know that I can't control these things."

"Okay, wait a second," Rosie said before you could speak. "Maybe we can work things out somehow for you to still go on your trip tomorrow."

"Yeah, or we can try and explain that we all need a little time to rest up a bit and maybe we can get a few days off in a few days."

"Maybe," Lisa said. "But, y/n, you need to be more understanding bout these things." Lisa huffed.

"I need to be more understanding?" You repeated her words in disbelief. "That's not fair, Lisa. I've always been understanding about your life and your career. I know you're busy but I want some time with you too."

"We spend plenty of time together!"

"When? When you get home at one in the morning and crawl into bed only to leave again a few hours later and then for the cycle to repeat itself?" You scoffed.

"Why are you being like this? Just understand that we have to reschedule again!"

"For when, Lisa? Two weeks from now? Two months from now? Two years from now? Tell me."

She rolled her eyes and the girls watched on in shock over how she was acting.

"Why are you rolling your eyes at me?"

"Because you're being annoying!" She yelled as she tangled her fingers in her short hair.

"Lisa!" Jisoo yelled in disbelief. "Stop it."

"Tell her to stop being annoying." Lisa groaned.

"Oh, so I'm annoying because I'm disappointed in the fact that, yet again, we have to reschedule our trip? All I want is some time with you! Why is that so much to ask for? Why is it so hard for you to understand?" You asked as you fought back your tears, refusing to let them fall.

"Okay, girls, calm down. We can find a way to work this out so you can still go. We'll help you, we'll make sure you get to go."

"Great, now you dragged them into it." Lisa sighed.

"We don't mind," Rosé said and Lisa just scoffed.

"Can't you tell that I just miss you?" You yelled in frustration. "I know you're busy, I know you're stressed, and I know as an idol things can change so suddenly. I understand all of that! Why can't you understand that I miss you?"

The girls looked at Lisa in disappointment as her frustration faded as your words sank in.

"I miss you too." She said.

"Yeah, I can so tell with how annoyed you are of me and how you roll your eyes so often when I try to tell you how terribly I just want to spend time with you!"

She sighed again, but this time in sadness.

"I messed up." She said.

"Understatement," Jisoo spoke quietly.

"The girls are right, we'll work things out. We'll still go, we'll find a way." She promised.

"I don't know if I want to even go anymore. Not with the way you just spoke to me." You said and turned around, heading up the stairs.

You slammed the bedroom door and Lisa buried her face in her hands with a groan.

"Nice going, Lisa," Jennie said, rolling her eyes.

"We're happy to make sure that you still get to go. But you better go apologize to your girlfriend right now." Jisoo said and nodded toward the staircase and Lisa just nodded, already rushing up the stairs to tell you just how sorry she truly felt.

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