reunited - part two (requested)

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As soon as you heard the sound of the car door closing in your driveway, you were jumping up from the sofa to go answer the door.

You opened it before she even had the chance to knock. Her hand was still raised as if she was about to and you watched a smile tug at her lips when she saw you.

"Can I come in?"

You nodded and stepped aside for her to enter. You closed the front door and then sat on the sofa as she took a seat.

Your mind was wandering with endless possibilities of what this conversation may hold.

You're feeling so many different things as you sit beside her, such as worry and fear, yet happiness and that love you've always felt for her came back stronger than ever.

It's been there since last night, when you first laid eyes on her again, before you even presented that award.

It's stronger. It's hard to hold back, despite telling yourself repeatedly that you have to. You can't make any more leaps.

Because if she's moved on, it's already going to be hard enough to do the same since you already confessed to her that you're basically far from doing the same.

"You look beautiful." She said suddenly and it took you by surprise.

"I'm in my sweats." You chuckled and she nodded, sinking her teeth into her lip before releasing it as it tugged into a big smile.

"I know. You look beautiful, always."

"Thanks. You too."

She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and then sighed, wondering how to approach the conversation you had to share.

"Did you mean it?"

You didn't have to ask what she was referring to. You already knew.

"I do." You said, suddenly feeling more vulnerable than you've felt in quite some time. "I told you last night, Lisa. I don't think there's ever going to be a day when I don't love you."

Her eyes lit up.

"But... I understand if you don't feel the same."

"What are you talking about?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"It's been a year. Your life has changed so much since we were together. Look at all that's happening for you. Everybody wants you, Lisa. I'd understand if you've found someone else, if you've moved on."

"Y/N, it doesn't matter who in this world wants me. I only want you."

She reached for your hand, slowly intertwining your fingers with hers as she gazed into your eyes.

"I can't move on from you. You're still the only one I love."

"Even now?"

"More so than ever before." She whispered as she brushed her thumb across your knuckles. "I've never stopped loving you, y/n."

You smiled and she used her other hand to pull you closer.

"I don't think there's ever going to be a day that I don't love you."

You dropped your forehead against hers, finding yourself smiling bigger than you have in the last year.

"I love you."

"I love you more." She smiled as she stroked your cheek. "Please let me kiss you now."

You giggled before leaning in, unable to wait for even another second for her to press her lips onto yours.

She melted into the sweet kiss, swearing that your lips tasted even sweeter than they did before.

She moved both of her hands to your hips and quickly pulled you on her lap, needing to hold you as close as she possibly could.

It's been a year. You've both dreamt of this. You needed to be close to each other and there was nothing in this world that could pull you apart, not now in this very moment, or ever again.

She pulled away from your lips a moment later. She was breathless and needed a second to catch her breath.

As much as she already missed your lips on hers, she enjoyed the chance to be able to stare into those pretty eyes of yours.

"So, what do you say, my girl? Should we go out for some breakfast?"

"In a few minutes." You smiled and started to lean in to kiss her again, causing her lips to tug into a bright smile as she stared at you adoringly and anticipated that sweet brush of your lips again. "Keep kissing me for now."

"Happily." She whispered against your lips before pushing hers against them and wrapping her arms around you to keep you close; so close that she felt every beat of your heart against hers.

She couldn't hold back her smile. Even as you kissed, she was still smiling a little.

She just couldn't help it. She felt happier than she's felt in the last year of her life.

It was all because of you. All because, at last, you're finally her girl again, and that's all she needs to be the happiest girl in the world.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now