thunder (requested)

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You hugged your knees tighter against your chest upon hearing the loud crash of thunder hit again.

It's been a terrible night so far. Having to deal with your fear of thunder is always hard enough to deal with when someone's with you.

But right now, you're curled up in bed all by yourself, and that's making it overwhelming for you.

Lisa's side of the bed has been empty for the most part, aside from the hour or so that you spent curled up on it before the thunderstorm started.

It's no longer enough to comfort you.

Breathing in her scent on her pillow and curling up on her side only reminded you that she's not there to hold you.

You had a fight a couple of hours ago. Looking back, it was dumb and pointless.

But at that moment, you were both frustrated and it seemed to be a way bigger deal then than it was now.

You still remember the second that you stormed up the stairs and yelled to her that she could sleep on the couch tonight and in her moment of anger, she unhappily agreed.

That's where she still is now.

You tried to find comfort by yourself so you wouldn't have to swallow your pride when you go downstairs, as you're not very good at that.

You changed into one of her hoodies and curled back up on her side of the bed, where you squeezed your eyes shut as you laid your cheek on the pillow to breathe in her scent for comfort.

But the thunder only got more intense and you couldn't brush off the anxiety you felt and nothing was going to help take that away but Lisa.

So you closed let out a slow but heavy sigh and decided that you'd be willing to say sorry to your girl a thousand times if it meant that she'd hold you tight to keep you safe and secure from the storm raging on outside.

You got out of bed and walked down the stairs and, to your surprise, the lights were on and Lisa was sitting up on the sofa with her head in her hands.

The sound of the floor creaking beneath your feet made her lift her head and despite the fight you shared not long ago, seeing you making your way towards her brought a small smile to her face.

"I thought you'd be sleeping." You mumbled.

"I couldn't sleep. I was about to come upstairs. I know how afraid of the thunder you are."

You didn't say a word as you sat on her lap and put your arms around her neck.

Burying your face in her neck, you found comfort in her warm embrace and comforting scent.

It's the same scent as the one on her pillow and on her hoodie that you had on.

But it was better. It was more intense and more comforting and it was everything you needed as you still felt so afraid of the thunder outside.

She closed her eyes and put her head on yours as she wrapped her arms around you, holding you as close as she could.

"I'm sorry." You sighed. "I'm so sorry about that fight. It was stupid and I feel so awful about it."

"Y/N, I fought with you, too. I said things I shouldn't have too." She said as she rubbed your back comfortingly. "It wasn't that bad. We both had a hard day and blew things out of proportion and said some stupid things. But it's all behind us. Okay?"

"Okay." You agreed.

"So just relax. I've got you now, I'm right here."

You jumped at the sound of thunder again, shaking the house due to how intense it was.

"Shh, darling," she whispered. "It's alright. You're safe and sound. I'm here with you."

You clutched her shirt in your hand, a shaky breath falling from your lips, fanning against her skin.

"I know you're scared but it's outside, my love. We're here inside, cozy and warm as we hold onto each other. Nothing can happen to you when I'm holding you."

You opened your eyes, cracking a small smile before you kissed her shoulder.

"Can we never fight again?"

It was inevitable.

In every relationship, every couple has their fair share of fights.

But you wouldn't be having any more fights for quite some time.

Lisa wanted the same thing as you.

"Okay." She smiled. "I love you so much, y/n. You're safe with me. Just keep holding onto me and I'll hold onto you. I promise I won't let you go."

You found comfort in her touch and her soft voice in your ear as she held you in her warm, safe arms.

She wasn't going to let you go.

She loves you too much and you need comfort now and she was happily going to give you that.

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