you don't tell her that you don't feel well

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"Are you ready to go?" You asked Lisa, sending her your best bright smile as you reached the bottom step. Though you were trying to hide just how sick you really felt, it was becoming more and more difficult to do so.

There was sweat gathering near your hairline and your stomach was a little sore. But, because this date night is the first one in the last couple of long weeks you've gotten to share, you refuse to back out of it.

But Lisa was starting to see through you. She knows you like the back of her hand and she can easily tell when you're feeling unwell. Her thoughts were ones of worry and you could see by the look in her eyes just how worried she was about you.

"Only if you're sure you're up for it. You really don't look like you feel all that great, baby." She spoke softly and laid her hand against your forehead, frowning when she realized you felt just a tad warmer than you usually do. "You're not exactly feverish but you're a little warm. Baby, please, if you don't feel well just tell me the truth. I know it's been a couple of weeks since we had a chance to go out because of everything going on but there'll be other nights."

You shook your head and swallowed thickly, trying to ignore the growing discomfort you felt from the ache in your stomach and the sick feeling getting a little more intense.

"I'll be alright. I wanna go. I've been looking forward to tonight."

She sighed and caressed your cheek lovingly before agreeing. "Alright. Only if you're sure." She said and took ahold of your hand. She brought it to her lips to lay a few kisses to your knuckles before she dropped it and started to brush her thumb along your skin soothingly and led you out of the house and into the car.

The ride to the restaurant isn't far. It's oftentimes the spot you go to for most date nights. It's close to home yet cozy and romantic. Usually, you enjoy the ride. But tonight was different. Any bumps you hit made you bit down on your lip in hopes that you'd be able to hold back any groans and whimpers that fell from your lips.

You arrived shortly and Lisa took your hand happily into her own to lead you into the restaurant. The smell inside always makes your mouth water and makes you look forward to the delicious meal you'd be devouring in only minutes. But tonight it made your mouth water for an entirely different reason. Your stomach was turning and though the food is always quite tasty, it looked and smelled the total opposite tonight.

"C'mon, baby." Lisa squeezed your hand and you followed her to a booth near the back; one that was away from the crowd inside, thankfully. You took a seat across from her and watched as she excitedly opened the menu. Though she often orders the same thing, her curiosity does get the best of her and she likes to try new things from time to time.

You opened yours and took a second to browse through it before closing it quickly as each thing you read over made you feel nauseous.

"You alright?" Lisa asked, taking your hand from across the table, noticing how the color seemed to be draining from your skin quickly.

"Yeah, fine." You said, squeezing her hand in return and opting to order something small and simple, just playing it off as not being all that hungry tonight.

But when the food was in front of you, it all became too overwhelming to hide. You tried to pick up your fork and take a bite or two, but you dropped it quickly when your stomach started to turn.

Lisa hadn't touched hers yet either, because she'd been too busy watching you. She just poked through her food mindlessly. She heard a whine fall from your lips and watched you lay your forehead on your forearm.

"Y/n," She laid her hand over yours and you lifted your head to send her a sad look. "You can't hide it from me any longer. I know you feel sick."

"I'm sorry."

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