she steals your blankets

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You lifted your head from the pillow, greeted with the cool breeze blowing through the window and the ache of your muscles; both an unpleasant reminder of how terrible you really felt from the cold you had come down with just last night.

The room was dark. It was still early in the morning and you needed to get back to sleep, and you would - as soon as you stopped shivering.

You thought that your blanket was probably around your hip, that you had just kicked it off in your sleep. But when you reached down, instead of feeling the fluffy and warm blanket against your fingertips, you only came into contact with your warm skin.

You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and reluctantly sat up in bed. You looked everywhere that you figured it was; at the foot of the bed or even on the floor. But you still couldn't find it.

You felt around for it on the bed and finally, you felt it against your fingertips. You pulled at it but you couldn't seem to pull it closer to you, and you found out why when you moved your hand just barely and your fingers brushed against Lisa's back.

You felt bad about having to wake her. She's been taking such great care of you while you've been feeling so icky, waiting on you hand and foot, and she had to be tired, too. But as another shiver went down your spine, you knew you had no choice.

"Lisa? Wake up."

Her eyes flew open at the sound of your voice. "Y/n? You okay? Do you need anything?"

Her caring manner brought a small smile to your face, even if only for a few short seconds. "Yeah. My blanket. You stole it."

She quickly sat up and pulled your blanket off of her. She started to drape it over you, wanting to make sure you were warm. "Sorry, baby. It was an accident."

"Sure," you teased with a giggle that quickly turned into a cough.

"Oh, my girl. Lay back down." She gently laid you on your back before laying beside you. She rested her elbow on the bed, letting her head fall onto her hand while she used her other to rub your stomach.

"Are you warm and cozy now?"

You nodded and Lisa was relieved to see a glimpse of a smile on your face when she planted a lingering kiss to your cheek.

"I'm glad, baby girl. I hope you start to feel better soon. I'm right here if you need me. You know I'll do anything for you."

Your eyes closed and you breathed out a breath of relief. "I know, and I'm so lucky to have you. Love you." You mumbled, quickly drifting off to sleep, leaving Lisa with a tired smile on her face.

"Love you too, y/n. Sleep tight." She kissed your warm forehead and laid her head on your shoulder before falling back asleep.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now