she tickles you

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You were cuddled up on her couch together, watching a movie she turned on. Only trying to be more affectionate, she moved her hand along your sides but her fingertips brushing along your skin caused you to let out a few giggles unintentionally.

Lisa raised her eyebrow and you watched as her lips pulled up in a sly smile as she realized what was happening. "Is someone ticklish?" You shook your head and attempted to pull her fingers from your skin. "No, no! Not at all."

"I think you are," Lisa smirked and without having to say a single word you knew what her next move was gonna be. You hurriedly tried to get up to run but her arm wrapped around you and pulled you back.

With a laugh you fell back against the couch. Lisa straddled you and moved her fingers across your sides. "Lisa!" You laughed, tears falling from the corners of your eyes. "I thought you said you weren't ticklish, y/n." She giggled.

There was no way to lie your way through this. It was evident that you were. If you weren't those squeals wouldn't be falling from your lips and you wouldn't be squirming under her touch. "Lisa! P-Please stop!" You laughed.

Lisa pretended to ponder for a moment before she gazed into your watery eyes. "Want me to stop?" You quickly nodded. "Okay. I'll stop. But first, say the magic words."

"I already said please!" You giggled.

"No. Not that. Those three words that I love hearing fall from your lips." She smiled genuinely. "I love you?" She nodded and stopped tickling you, leaning her hands on the cushion beside you as you closed your eyes to catch your breath.

"Are you okay?" She checked, feeling better when you opened your eyes. "Yeah. I'm alright. I'm annoyed, but-"

"Oh? Annoyed? Did you say that you're... annoyed?" She paused, fingers moving back to your sides. "No, no, I didn't!" You both laughed and she tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear. "I love you." She mumbled, laying her head on your shoulder. "My sweet but very ticklish girl."

You rolled your eyes with a laugh. You had a feeling that she was gonna hold this over your head from here on out.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now