break up prank (requested)

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You jumped to your feet at the sound of the front door closing and Lisa calling your name. You went to the bookshelf, making sure the camera was set up perfectly, before returning to stand by the foot of the bed where you had a pile of clothes and a few bags ready to pack.

You started shoving them into the bags when you heard her footsteps approaching.

"Y/n! Hey, I've been looking all over for you!" She said, smiling as she walked through the door, but her smile fell as soon as she saw you shoving clothes into your bags. "What are you doing?"


"What?" She asked and hurriedly strode over to you. "Why? I-I thought things were perfect between us? You seemed fine this morning, we had a good laugh together before I left for the studio."

You could hear the sadness in her voice. You did everything you could to avoid her gaze. Knowing she was getting emotional, you knew you'd break right away if you saw her face.

You were silent, trying to think of what to say as you continued to pack your things. Suddenly, your bag was pulled out of your hand and thrown onto the floor, and the clothes in your hands the same.


"Don't!" She crossed her arms, looking away from your eyes to blink away her tears. "I don't understand. We were just talking about the future, our future, just the other day... and now you're just leaving? Without any explanation?"

"I just need to get away for a while, that's all."

"Get away?" She spoke, voice cracking and teeth sinking into her lip. "From... me?"

Your heart began to shatter. This was all becoming too much for you.

"I know I've been busy but I thought that we were okay. You've always been my biggest supporter. What am I supposed to do without you?"

Before you could say another word, she was throwing her arms around you. She buried her face in your neck, clinging onto you tighter than ever before.

"I'm not letting you go." She whimpered, and that's when you lost it.

"Lisa. Look at me."

She lifted her head and let out a shaky breath, gazing into your eyes as you caressed her cheek.

"It was just a prank."

Her teary eyes went wide at your words.

"See? There's a camera right there."

"Seriously?" She scoffed before turning around, but you quickly hugged her from behind.

"No! No, don't go. I'm sorry. It was stupid!"

"Yeah, it was!" She said as she turned around. She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted her lips before letting you take her hands into your own. "I'm very mad at you."

You cupped her cheeks and started pecking her lips and every giggle that fell from her lips was like music to your ears.

"Please don't be mad. Don't be sad."

"You said you were leaving and I walk into the room and the first thing I see is you packing your stuff. How am I supposed to react?"

You guided her to the bed and when she fell back onto it you happily hovered over her and planted kisses all across her face.

"I love you. I promise you I'll never leave you."

Her eyes were no longer filled with tears, but now they were filled with a look of pure adoration. You could see the stars in them and it was enough to make your smile return and your own sadness and worry fade away.

"I love you. I don't think I could ever manage without you."

She leaned up to steal a kiss from your lips; loving at first, but the longer it lasted the more passionate it became.

You would've melted right into it... if it hadn't been for the light that went off in your head as you remembered one thing.

"Oh! The camera." You laughed and quickly turned it off before going to hover back over her, happily being brought in for many more kisses.

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