you make me proud (requested)

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"I'm really nervous." You told Lisa, sending her a look of worry as she took ahold of your shaky hands. The girls in your group were heading off to stand behind the curtain, waiting for the call to step onstage.

It's your very first performance at a major award show and you're starting to feel the pressure of it all. There was a lot riding on this, especially since you and your group are only just a few songs into your career.

Lisa's been so supportive of you, though. Always here for you when you need her. When you need the encouragement, not just as her girlfriend, but as an idol. And now is one of those times. You need the reassurance, the encouragement she always gives you.

"Hey," she whispered and pulled you in for a comforting hug. "You're going to be amazing. You always are. The girls and I are gonna be front and center and I'm gonna cheer you on the whole time. Don't be nervous. You're a star, you were born for this." She said, sending you a bright smile as she pulled away. She gave you a sweet kiss, hoping that it was all starting to help you feel better.

"I love you."

"I love you more. Now, they're getting ready to call your groups' name so go! You're gonna crush it, baby girl. I believe in you!"

She watched you catch up with the girls and when you turned around to look back at her, she quickly gave you a thumbs up and mouthed another 'I love you' before they called your groups name and you went out on stage.

She hurriedly rushed out to her seat and stood proudly with the girls. She was between Jisoo and Rosé, and Jennie was next to Jisoo. Jisoo was quick to elbow her, pointing out her bright eyes and her flushed cheeks as she cheered proudly for you, playfully mocking how heart-eyed she was for you.

As the music started and you took your position, you could hear her loud cheers. Your eyes locked across the room and you ducked your head as a big smile appeared on your face.

You tried not to let it show, especially since your look for this performance was supposed to be more intimidating. But it was impossible when your biggest fan was in the front row, clapping and singing along in between cheers, hoping it would help make you feel better.

The camera moved to capture reactions from other idols. Some blown away from your performance, singing and dancing along. Others just smiley and cheerful as they watched your girlfriend go all heart-eyes for you.

Your bandmates would nudge you playfully or giggle along with you. Your nerves vanished. It all felt so natural; being up on that stage with your best friends, giving every second of the performance your heart and soul. You knew she was right; you were born for this.

When you finished, basking in the applause and the cheers while you hugged it out with your bandmates and tried to catch your breath, you looked to find Lisa nowhere to be seen. You frowned and headed backstage, only to be swept up in her arms.

"My girl!" She cooed as she spun you around, holding you tight against her body. "You did such a great job! How do you feel?"

"So good! I had so much fun! I can't wait to do it again."

"Can't wait to cheer you on again." She said as she cupped your cheeks in her hands. She looked as happy as you felt. There were stars in her eyes, a look of pride and happiness and love, for you and only you.

"It's all because of you, Lili. I only managed to get through it because of you. Because you gave me good encouragement and were my biggest cheerleader. I might be passionate but I get nervous. You make it easy. You're always here to lift me up and hold me tight and remind me of my worth as an idol,"

"And a breathtakingly beautiful person, too." She finished, kissing your nose to make you giggle.

"Yeah. I don't know what I'd ever do without you."

"I'll always be your biggest fan. Nothing could ever change that. I'm so proud of you, y/n. You and the girls deserve all of the love and praise you've gotten so far and I know for sure that the best is yet to come for you all."

You leaned in, lips hovering over hers as her warm hands roamed your body.

"And you look so gorgeous, it's almost too much to take."

You locked your lips with hers, a skip in your heart following as she moved her fingertips along your lower back.

"Hey, lovebirds," Jennie interrupted, making Lisa sigh as she pulled away from your lips slowly. "Sorry to interrupt, but just figured you should know that you're both trending right now."

"Me too?" Lisa asked, eyebrows raised. "For what?"

"For your heart-eyes. The ones that only come out when you see your girl."

Lisa giggled, forehead falling to yours as your eyes lit up.

"Everyone's freaking out, but in a good way, of course. They love you both so much."

"I love you so much." You whispered, brushing your lips back over Lisa's passionately.

"Not nearly as much as I love you. I'm so proud of you, baby girl. So proud."

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now